Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Website Wednesday - Newgrounds (Flash Portal)

Hello and welcome to Website Wednesday; the day of the week where I tell you about some strange website that kept me sane when I felt bored, and then crack jokes about the strange things there.

Image take from I sat here for 10 minutes trying to think of something funny to say here...  I got nothing...

You've had them. I've had them. Those days where simply nothing seems to be holding your interest, and it's likely that you are going to bash your face on your desk out of sheer frustration if that doesn't change quickly. Newgrounds is to the bored what alcohol is to the sad. Not actually good for you, but better than nothing.

Back in high school, (and probably before it), I had significant issues with boredom... Namely, things were boring as hell often, which led to a great deal of frustration in my days while I prayed for something to do. Thank goodness for the internet as they say, as I found Newgrounds, an online flash portal, (That's internet speak for a website that links you to other things.), filled with all manner of strange games and videos that make you question the sanity of the world. (Not that I cared, some of them are really fun! Teehee)

Founded in the year of my birth (1995) by Tom Fulp, Newgrounds is something of a social media hub which hosts user uploaded flash games and videos, music and art that other registered users can comment on and rate for the rest of the community. While hardly the best of all those things, it certainly is nice as a convergent place to find them. Some of the games are good and have kept me busy in my times of dire need; the videos are strange enough to even make me question humanity; the music is occasionally good and typically usable with the authors permission, which some have found handy for a variety of reasons and the art, like DeviantART, has some gems in it midst the slightly less shiny submissions.

All in all, Newgrounds is good for staving off boredom on the days that it strikes hard, even if your time spent on the site isn't precisely the most productive way you're likely to ever spend it. In any case, I have linked a few submissions from the site that I personally found fairly entertaining at one point or another. Be sure to check them out, and let me know what you think of them or any other good submissions you find in the comments or over Facebook or Twitter. Also, don't forget to share this article with any bored friends of yours, they might appreciate the opportunity to pass some hours unproductively. If you would like to read more articles like this one, be sure to like my Facebook page and/or follow me on Twitter to get the latest posts, as they're uploaded. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for taking the time to read this article; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again tomorrow.

Later peepz. (That's how they talk on the internet right?)

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