Sunday, August 17, 2014

Storytime Sunday - TCSA

Them's a lot of words. Thankfully, it's only a temporary smattering of words. Header images will be pointedly more succinct from here on.

Exactly 62 days ago I started putting out blog posts every single day. I've gotta say... that's really freaking hard to do. (Trust me, it's a miracle if I remember to eat breakfast 4 days in a row.) Still, it's been fun, and now some interesting new things are happening to change things up.

First and foremost, allow me to introduce my awesome friend Jerome Damhuis (AKA JovialJman, Canoe, and various other strange things we call him for fun.), who is the first of an expected 3 to be joining us as crazy South Africans with too much time on their hands. (He's the blue fellow in the header image that is actually far taller than the image would have you believe.)

While perhaps not as eloquent as myself, Jerome has a penchant for understanding things that confuse the living hell out of me. (He can solve a Rubik's cube which is inhuman in my opinion.) While his first few posts may seem a little unsure, he is new, so do avoid being too critical of his posts. I'm sure that he will bring plenty interesting conversations to the blog, as well as some fresh perspective on the world. We may even occasionally make comments on each others posts just for a change of pace. (The possibilities are endless!)

At this point though, you are probably wondering 3 things. Why did I decide to stop blogging all by myself, where on earth did TCSA come from, and why is this blog this disgusting blue? Firstly, I should point out that I also think the blog looks fugly with the blue, but in honor of JovialJman's joining, it shall stay that way for just one more day. (Thankfully, even he hates it. Teehee)

To answer the other questions though, I decided to stop blogging all by myself because after 62 days of blogging, I've realized that blogging is REALLY hard to do daily for so long. I cannot think of any other blog run by a single person that pumps out content on a daily basis. (With good reason I think now.) There were days where I was facedesking multiple times a day in an effort to think of a good topic to discuss. It not always straightforward. The other problem is that it's stressful. I had to be within reach of my computer every day to make sure a post went up in the 24 hours slot, or had to sit late into the night writing posts ahead of time if I wanted to go anywhere. (That gets a little exhausting. Just so you know.) So thankfully, with the advent of co-operative blogging, I will have more time. Sure I won't be the author of every days posts now, but I'll be a lot happier for it, and the posts I do will be of a higher quality as a result. (No more posts talking about me being too sick to write a post.) Besides, you'll probably thoroughly enjoy reading the content written by the good people who have or shall be joining us in the future.

To answer the other question, we've got to go back about 3 years, where myself, Jerome, and the as of yet unnamed blogger for the green letter were discussing ideas for the future, and how we wanted to do all sorts of silly things like make a YouTube channel. (We're still gonna do that mind you, give us a month or two.) Deciding it sounded like a great idea, we came up with TCSA. Those Crazy South Africans. (A fitting name for us lot if you ask me. Teehee) Fast forward 3 years to the present, and the three of us had never quite forgotten about that idea, despite being busy with other things. Long story short, Jerome came along one day and asked if I wanted him to help with blog, which reminded me of TCSA. Considering I was using this blog to start an eventual YouTube channel anyway, it made perfect sense to change the blog to support our longtime dream. And so here we are.

You will notice that there have been multiple changes to the blog as a result. For one, a lot of the Blog's information has been updated, it's now an ugly blue, there are new Facebook and Twitter pages for TCSA, and it's now an ugly blue. Did I mention the blue? Okay, just checking. Anyways, your support in liking and following our new Facebook and Twitter pages is, as always GREATLY appreciated, as is your continued support. It's you awesome people that make it so much fun writing out these strange stories each day. And if you guys think it would be great fun to see what kind of strange things we'd get up to for YouTube, then you had best get sharing and help us get to that point. We also want to see what strange things we'd get up to. (Fairly certain it'll be funny even if we don't know what we're doing.) And of course, we are looking for sponsors to help us get there. If you would like to be featured, spoken about, mentioned or advertised on the blog, or just want to say hello for some reason, be sure to do so with our fancy new email address. (*gasp* an email address. Teehee) Drop us a message at and we'll be sure to get back to you if we can.

As always, regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time out of your day to read this lengthy blog post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Farewell my friends.

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