Wednesday, September 24, 2014

OddballGreg - =3 (Funny Videos and Presenter Comedy)

Do you know how hard it is to take a screenshot of a person while they're talking that doesn't make them look constipated or in pain? VERY. Picture is from the =3 video "Sheep to the Balls".

Do you like videos of animals doing stupid things? (Or people?) Do you like people making jokes about things? Well fantastic, because the popular YouTube show "=3" does both these things... TOGETHER! The show also happens to quite funny too.

Robby Motz, Actor who talks loudly for a living, (at least according to his twitter account), is the new(ish) presenter of =3, the internet show where they find the latest viral videos, put the best parts of them into one neat little package, and then crack jokes about them for good measure.

While originally the creation of Ray William Johnson, the famous actor and comedian who created =3 as well as other interesting and generally succesful projects including the now retired music project "Your Favorite Martian"which was one of the most successful YouTube band start-ups and a relatively unheard of thing in it's time.

A generally well liked individual for his iconic humor and willingness to make fun of occasionally controversial subjects, Ray William Johnson was and still is a highly respected individual who famously grew the =3 show to massive heights. He is often cited as inspiration to many for their own YouTube careers, with individuals such as Boogie2988 fingering his featuring of their videos on =3 as the reason for their own success on YouTube and resulting lifestyles. (Basically, he's just awesome.)

Of course, most things do come to an end, and he eventually ended his career as the =3 presenter when he found that the show was no longer satisfying his needs as an artist, much to the outcry of his fans. Thankfully, he found the young and thoroughly entertaining Robby Motz (Pictured Above) to hand the reigns over to. While perhaps a bit young and inexperienced, (and initially mocked for looking like he had been crying), Robby Motz has taken up the mantle from Ray quite effectively and has brought back the brilliant show to its former glory.

Fun fact, I just spent 4 paragraphs not talking about this articles topic, and you actually read it. (Teehee) Jokes aside, =3 is a rather funny show to watch, what with cameo's from many a character about the internet, (usually) cleverly thought out jokes, recurring humor from previous episodes and just general fun from hilarious videos on the internet that you may not have known about. If you've got some time to burn, I highly recommend checking out the show here on Ray William Johnson's YouTube Channel.

Anyways, that's all she wrote. (Or so the saying goes.) If you enjoyed the article, want to yell at me for talking about the wrong things in detail, or simply which to thank me for providing you with yet another way to waste your life, then do be sure to say so down in the comments below, or via Facebook/Twitter. We here at TCSA love to hear your feedback, as it helps us to make the blog better for you guys. Better yet, why don't you share this post with your friends, if they've got nothing better to do, (or even plenty better to do), they may appreciate the thought. And of course, if you yourself would like to read more articles like this one, then do be sure to like the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter to get the latest posts as they're published. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Farewell my Friends.
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