Saturday, November 15, 2014

OddballGreg - Fallout Lore (ShoddyCast)

Something something screenshot something boring something from I know I need to come up with a better Header Image system, we've had this conversation.

Some games are very dependent on their story for their worth. Whether it be Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls, or, in this case, Fallout, the main reason that you play these RPG's is for their stories. Of course, sometimes their stories can become a little bit convoluted, and the lore of their universe too expansive. Luckily, ShoddyCast is here to shed some light on their brilliantly detailed worlds.

Like most things I discover on the internet, I found ShoddyCast by complete and utter accident while doing my typical internet browsing that usually forms part of my work schedule. (Don't ask how that works, it makes no sense to me either really.) In any case, suffice to say that I soon found myself watching the absolutely enrapturing and fantastically narrated Fallout Lore series on the ShoddyCast channel. (When I say enrapturing, I mean I watched every episode today...)

So what's so good about this series? Simple, it tells you the tale of American Wasteland from both before and after the great war and atomic bombs dropping, and all the stories of those within it from the original Fallout game all the way to Fallout: New Vegas. (Suffice to say this is gamer nerd's dream and I was quite happy to spend about 4 hours watching every single video in a row.) Quite literally the best part was finding out that many of the characters I knew from the latter 2 Fallout games had a history in the earlier games that I had never had the opportunity to play, and as such, thoroughly enjoyed the experience. (Admittedly, if you've never played any of the Fallout games then a lot of the coolness or sentimental value of the lore will probably be lost on you... but then... why haven't you played any of these games yet?)

In any case, I've shared the first video of the series above to give you a first hand experience of what the ShoddyCast narration is like. (Which I personally think is really awesome and very well done... Just saying.) Give it a watch, and if you like it or find it interesting, then follow this link to watch the entire series in order. Also, don't forget to give the Dragon Age and Elder Scrolls lore series' a check as well. (I have yet to watch them myself, hence why this post is somewhat exclusively on the Fallout Series. That and the fact that I did a post about hoarding that was centered around Fallout in the past. Teehee)

Do you agree that ShoddyCast is really good at narration? Or maybe you simply want to suggest something for future blog post? If so, do be sure to let us know down in the comments below, of via Facebook/Twitter. We here at TCSA love to hear your feedback. And of course, if you enjoy finding out about awesome stuff on the web and world then do please be sure to like the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left to get all the latest posts as they're published. Also, do be sure to share posts you enjoyed with your friends as it helps us out a great deal. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Enjoy the show my friends.
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