Friday, November 21, 2014

OddballGreg - 10 Humorously Strange YouTube Videos

This adorable still was taken from here. It's impossible to not feel happy when you see this fluffy critter.

Sometimes, I spend my days doing productive things like learning how to make games, or learning how to design websites, or learning how to write better blogposts. Other days I watch ridiculous video's on YouTube and wonder why I haven't gotten anything done?

So, naturally, I'd make a blog post about the things that made me not write a blog post. Makes sense right? (Of course it does.) So without further ado, here are 10 Humorously Strange YouTube videos that I think are worth mentioning for some reason.

1. "Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows" by FluffyMixer

This one should be obvious if you're a long time reader of the TCSA blog. Why? Because I have a massive Unicorn obsession for no apparent reason, and find this song extremely adorable. Few things are as effective at brightening my mood as this rather strange song is.

2. "[SFM] Off Limits" by an0nymooose

You ever have those moments of pure: "What the hell did I just witness?" This extremely strange video made with the Source Filmmaker left me in a state of open-mouthed stupor before cracking up into a laugh that clearly dictated just how strange this video is. As they say: "Boredom Kills."

3. "asdfmovie" by TomSka

Technically a series of video's rather than just one, the asdfmovie's have done several things, not the least made me question my sanity as well as that of my friends as we continue to quote these infernally odd skit's, years after we first saw them. If you like strange people, simply say "Hello Mine Turtle" to people when you meet them. If they reply "Hello" in a squeaky voice, they are probably fairly odd.

4. "Defuse On The Fly CS:GO [SAXXY 2014]" by Deviant Picture Films

This one makes the list for taking what seems like a completely serious setting and making it completely ridiculous without you realizing it. Counter Strike matches typically involve the terrorists placing the bomb at the site and defending it. The mental process that must have gone into: "What if we put the bomb... on a chicken?" is surely a wonder to behold.


Gunman Style? That doesn't sound similar to any hit YouTube song releases by South Korean pop stars from 2012 does it? If it does, I can't remember. Of course, Asian cowboys and blue eyed Ninja's brawling to a western themed parody of Gangnam Style is already funny, but when you have water pistol gunfights and dramatic self-sacrifice by fake-mustache wearing teddy bears, this get some what strange quickly.

6. "Dot Dot Dot (Official Video HD)" by Ricepirate

Perhaps only humorous if you've ever seen the Newgrounds comment section, this particular video was made due, from what I can gather at any rate, due to the maker laughing hysterically at the awful grammar of a strangely outraged gamer who seemed disgusted at the features of one of the game submissions. In any case, Ricepirate's delivery is sure to have you laughing as you question why on earth someone would bother getting so worked up over a free game.

7. "Neg's Urban Sports: Urban Sprinting" by Silmano

While technically not the property of Silmano, I'm pretty sure if someone had a problem with this video being on YouTube they'd have said something. (Which they haven't, since it's been on YouTube longer than I have.) Copyright aside, one probably questions just how bored you have to be to intentionally make mall-cops chase you in the name of Urban Sports. Or trying to smoke as quickly as possible before a bouncer chucks you out of the non-smoking establishment. Or just acting like a complete mong to make someone move away from somewhere. (Those are some of the other Urban Sports from "Neg") Either way, it's pretty funny to watch him try.

8. "Team Fortress 2: Heavy sing Baby(Feat. Scoutacris)" by Reznov's Channel

Hey, I heard some Canadian kid did a cover of this song. (Teehee) Jokes at Mister Beaver *cough* Bieber's expense aside, anyone familiar with the Team Fortress 2 characters will likely find this rendition of Baby strangely amusing.

9. "How To Use a Public Restroom" by Schmoyoho

Ever made a friend in a public restroom? Me neither, but apparently it happens... musically, with woman in the male restroom trying to access the Wi-Fi while the uncomfortable visitor sings about the bathroom's acoustics. Quite simply, this s*** is weird. It's also oddly funny in that: "No bloody way" sort of way.

10. "The Assumption Song - Oney Cartoons" by OneyNG

A song I remember from back when I was in Primary school, this song is a guaranteed corruption o' meter for your mind. Do you know what comes next? If so, then this song is probably going to be stuck in your head for a while as you giggle mischievously at just how hard the creator tried to make the innuendo's obvious. 

Of course, there are probably thousands more absolutely strange and funny videos on YouTube that you probably (hopefully?) think are worth mentioning. If so, do be sure to let us know down in the comments below, or via Facebook/Twitter. We here at TCSA love to hear your feedback. And of course, if you enjoy finding out about awesome stuff on the web and world then do please be sure to like the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left to get all the latest posts as they're published. Also, do be sure to share posts you enjoyed with your friends as it helps us out a great deal. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Enjoy the videos my friends.
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