Thursday, November 6, 2014

JovialJman - Beauty And Attraction

Doesn't that person look beautiful? The lazy behind the hazed glass does as well.

Different people are seen to be attractive for different reasons, Males tend to be attractive when they are masculine and females tend to be attractive when they are feminine. Why is that and what does it mean?

There are many studies that have been done about the attractiveness of people and genders, (most probably since everyone would like to be considered beautiful), and I shall mention some of the results of those studies in this post. Now some of these studies did not have many ethnic groups, so it may be biased towards western cultures, but I shall try be as diverse as I can.

Sight is often the first sense we use when meeting someone new, and often influences the most in the selection of a possible mate. The physique of a person can often be told from far away, so that shall start our discussion. Women tend to prefer men that have broad shoulders a slim waist and is taller than they are. Men generally prefer women who have curves, medium sizes breasts, long hair and that are shorter than they are. These are the most popular and not the only options. There are people who prefer the out of norm body shapes, such as slightly over weight, (this usually being where food may become scarce, like places in mid Africa), really skinny, (this is mainly due to media's distortion on what they perceive as beauty), really short and really tall.
A silhouette of a man
Several silhouettes of females in 60's style clothing

Women often complain that men look at their mammary first, and sorry gents, but science may have proven just that. A research has shown that almost half of the men that very studied looked a the mammaries of the female gender first and spent the most time looking at them in relation to other parts of the body. The size of them didn't affect it too much as men still fixated on them when presented with pictures. Areas that didn't get too much attention were the arms legs and the feet. These area's used to be the most seen place in the times where ladies were wearing layers of clothes along side men. But since of cultural changes, there is more skin showing now so our gaze has shifted.

Facial features also play a role in attractiveness. Facial symmetry seemed to play a big part, (this means that one side of the face looks like the other), however, if a face is perfectly symmetrical, it looks unusual and does not seem to be found beautiful. Women find men with a chiseled chin and jutting cheek-bones, but if they are too pronounced, then these people are perceived to be very dominant and unfriendly. Both of these features are caused by the relative gender hormones, testosterone for males and oestrogens for women. The golden ratio also seems to play a part in beauty. I did mention it briefly in this blog post.

Body scent is a way for people to find a potential mate. In the DNA sequence there is a large strip that plays a part in the immune system calle MHC. MHC influences the hormones that are release in your body odor. People often found scents of people with different MHC than there owns more attractive. One hypothesis for this is since people with very similar MHC are relatives, it may stop inbreeding, and if you vary the MHC you will get healthier children.

With all of these, culture and religion play the biggest part. Those in a religion to look a certian way, then those that do not look that way may be seen as unattractive, like monks with hair, or English men without eyebrows. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and there is someone out there that will find you irresistible. If the chances of that are one in a million then there are at least 7000 people out there that fall in that.

With that positive note it draws an end to this informative post. I hope you learnt something and if you did, may you share this with others so knowledge may be shared. If you have any comments and/or suggestions please leave them down in the comments below, or on Facebook/Twitter as we here at TCSA love to hear from you. If you would like to see more posts as they are published, then please like us on Facebook and/or Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. I hope you have/had an awesome day, and thank you for taking the time to read today's post.

Stay beautiful people.
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