Friday, October 17, 2014

JovialJman - Pets (And their Influence Over Us)

OddballGreg choose this picture, maybe he is a Crazy Cat Person

There are many animals around the world, some are used for food, some for aesthetics, but there are a select few that are domesticated and have become companions to many. Pets have various effects on people so, let's talk about it.

I have a few pets myself, (well actually it is the families pets). There is Bobby our Jack Russell mixed something, (maybe a dalmation as he is really big for a Jack Russell), Peanut the African Grey, and a small pond filled with goldfish. Bobby can get really excited at the mere mention of a walk, Peanut is at the stage of talking and is now barking like a dog, calling my sister to annoy her, (really funny to see), and is one crazy bird in general. The gold fish, well they are just kind of there for looks, and they always look thirsty as the are gulping the water, but then again, all fish look like that.

Pets are not a new thing if you look at a lifetime, but if you look at the human race they are not old either. There were people that were domesticated wolves as far back as just after the last ice age. This was a time where Mammoths were still wandering around. It is strange to think that all the breeds of dogs today are descendants of wolves. A bit latter cats were domesticated and were seen as sacred animals by the Egyptians and were mummified by the millions. Domesticated cats are the most similar to their wild counterparts as they are still able to fend for themselves if human interaction was withdrawn, which does make looking after them a bit easier.

The average owner of cat are smarter than the average owner of dogs. This fun fact got me thinking, do pets change things in our lives, or are they just there, the fact however can be explained. Those who have studied further often have jobs that take a lot of time and would still like a pet, so cats are a good option as they can take care of themselves and need little attention to survive, but love sitting on your keyboards when you need to work. Many studies have been done in this subject and the results are somewhat surprising.

Pets help us with our mood, they keep us company when we are alone and may have the same attachment to you, as you have to them. They are mostly loving creatures that adore attention and give a moral boost to most as they always seem happy. Children who grow up with a pet have shown better friend making at a early age as they start with playing with the pet. They are also thought to care for them and help them grow, this is seen as a chore but can be a very good learning experience for the young as they will learn routine early on.

There are also health benefits when having pets. There are dogs that help the blind move around and some that help deaf people to be more aware of their surroundings, there are also some that can alert diabetics when their blood sugar is getting low before something serious happens. Pet owners are also less likely to suffer from depression and have lower blood pressure in stressful situation than those without pets. This maybe due to the fact that we nurture them and that releases a lot of our anxiety. When exercising pets, like taking a dog for a walk, you get exercise as well and this may keep you fit but with cat owners it might be a bit harder to say the same thing as I have not seen someone walk their cat.

Pets are also a gateway to a new world with people that are pet lovers as well. This may be from dog shows, to horse riding, and owner, pet look alike contests. Many of these type of activities can bring new people into your life and broaden your social life. There have also been studies that show that having a pet around when babies are growing up also help strengthen their immune systems and help with allergy resistance. How they help are still being found out, but maybe due to the simple exposure of the animals, the babies become immune to any of the effects that may be brought with the animals to begin with.

Anyways, that draws today's post to an end. If pets could talk how many situations would you have never gotten into? If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave them in the comments below or on Facebook/Twitter. Do you know of anyone that is deciding on getting a pet, or anyone that has pets already, please share this with them as I am sure they would thank you for it. If you would like to see more post as they come out, or would like to show your support, please like us one Facebook or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on he bar to the left. Thank you for taking the time to read today's blog post, and I hope you have/had a really awesome day.

Happy pet petting buddies
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