Monday, July 14, 2014

Madness Monday - Organisation (What on earth is that?)

Hello and welcome to Madness Monday; that special day of the week where I explain why my desk looks like a war zone, and then crack jokes about it to help you get through another week.

Warning: Those with OCD may become violent while reading this. (Teehee)

Do you feel like your life is disorganized? Are things too hectic for you? Well, if it'll make you feel any better, I don't even know what half of the papers/things on my desk even are, and my daily decisions are often made spontaneously without forethought. I also have a habit of leaving things half-way through. Sounds like fun doesn't it? (Yes.)

As a somewhat rather free-spirited and creative person, I've come to terms with the fact that bomb-craters often look and sound more organized than my desk. (and my mind to be honest.) It is a common occurrence for me to begin doing something furiously for a hours on end, only to promptly stop, walk away and completely forget about it. In yesterday's post, I mentioned how my dear friend Angela Pellobello can devote herself to her writings more than I can. I'm not kidding, there's a folder on my computer's desktop for stories I've started writing. None of them are finished. (*facedesk*)

You think this looks bad, you should see my harddrive's file structure...
I also draw, a lot. Which is awesome and terrible at the same time, because I have a habit of liking to display things I've made. So not only is my desk horrifically cluttered, the wall around it looks like a (fairly cheap) art gallery. Frighteningly enough, this is just some of the drawing's that I've mostly finished, the rest living in a large pile somewhere on the desk to my left.

Wall? What is this wall? OHHHHHH You mean the thing I stick my drawings to.... Forgot that was there.
The TV is older than I am if you're wondering. It hasn't been used in a while.
Perhaps worse, is my habit of keeping things with semantic value. Actually, no, worse is my habit of giving things semantic value in the first place. (Teehee) So apart from countless school books that I've yet to turf out, drawings, stories that I decided to write on paper instead of a computer, a computer, various electronic components and several other oddities, (And beanies and gloves apparently), my desk is filled with several small and mostly pointless trinkets from over the years.

My shelf with various containers and an obligatory Hello Kitty birthday card.
You see that pink Tupperware on the right side? That has marbles in it. I dunno what is in the rest.
 Thankfully, there is one small saving grace. For you see, there is a mystical tome upon my desk, in which I write everything I need to remember for the upcoming days. Without it, any sense of organisation would be lost... Which would probably be bad, since idea's for what to write on this blog come at random. As we all know, you never just remember those ideas. It's also where I doodle randomly when I'm bored. There's a magnificent bird I drew on page 3.

My Blog schedule. The only modicum of organization on my desk.
There may also be spoilers if you can read my handwriting.
 Considering how easily I seem to completely forget things, I'm fairly certain that I'd have lost my head long ago, were it not for the fortunate fact that it is attached to me. That and it talks... it's always helpful if things can get your attention, otherwise you could be liable to forget what your're... *stops talking and stares blankly at a wall.*

Hmmm. Oh, sorry. Was I saying something? Oh yes, Organization. It's a good idea for those who are good at it. For crazy people like me, it's a pretty word that we don't particularly understand, but get on well enough without somehow. Bearing in mind that I still know where my head is, I still think it could certainly be worse.

Whether it is worse or not, I hope that you feel a bit better about how organized you are in your life at least, or maybe just think I'm funny. If you have a suggestion, or need to let me know where I've left something, please feel free to do so in the comments below. Perhaps even share this with a friend who feels like they don't know what they're doing. If you particularly liked this post, or maybe just want to read about some more of the strange things that I do, consider liking my Facebook page or following me on Twitter using the associated button on the sidebar to your right. And, of course, I hope you have/had and AWESOME day, and I will see you tomorrow.

*forgets to say goodbye*
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