Tuesday, October 21, 2014

JovialJman - Simulations (Computerised Reality?)

Flying simulations are there so pilots don't have to crash a real plane, how nice for the passengers on it.

Simulations are something that is used everyday by some and have allowed so many things to have been made without the trial and error method which would have costed billions upon billions, let's talk about that.

Sipping my coffee and writing this blog, such an event is able to be simulated on the computer and in other ways, but the purpose for it will be non-existent beside for the fact to show you that it can be done. Simulations are not always on a computer, you can have a mechanical simulation. A simulation is the act of recreating a set of circumstances, around which it can be looked at or learnt from. So you can get a mechanical horses that simulates the way it would feel for a rider, and the same example can be made for bull riding, but that is also used for fun.

With all of these types of simulations, where do I begin? Well since I enjoy playing games, I guess that is a good place to start. Sims must be the most popular of this genre of games but there are others like Simcity and most Tower defence games. Sims is an abbreviation of simulation,(who would have seen that), and this series of games have taken many days from those who play it, as deciding what people do and when they do it can become quite addicting. The YouTube channel Escapist, has done a video review under their series Zero Punctuation of the Sims 3 game and what he says makes sense if you think about it, but you must watch his language.

There are many other games that use an aspect of simulation in them like those used to simulate flying or car driving. So games such as Need For Speed (NFS), and Call of Duty (CoD) would technically be simulations. These games simulate different things, NFS simulates how a car would drive, and you control the way it goes, where as CoD simulates warfare and you point and shoot, both of these games are really popular as they have an aspect to them that makes it very entertaining, and an advertising team behind it as well.

Now there are Simulations that can help teach people about things without doing it for real, like flight simulators, (like the one in the header image). This wonderful machine tries to replicate how it would be flying a normal aircraft, pilots have to train many hours in these as it helps them learn and react to things in the sky before putting them in the pilot seat and risking many lives on board. They replicate the inclination of the entire cockpit to let the pilots feel what it would be like when they are inclining or declining, the front window is a screen that displays an image like the one that you would see in a real plane. These machines are really accurate and are really complicated machines.

There are also computer simulations that simulate environments so scientist can see the affect of certain things on that environment instead of performing the experiment themselves. This has helped the science community as there are some experiments that they cannot perform as it is too expensive, too much danger that may accrue or it is very unethical. Some of these can be nuclear plants to generate power, the implantation of synthetic parts into the body, the study of the human body. They have been able to improve the medical community as well with such simulations.

Companies can simulate how certain aspects of designs will fair in the real world before initiating the plan to build it. Planes are designed on a computer these days and are tested under some conditions to see if it is possible to fly under some conditions, to see the fuel consumption, and see if different materials can help get better performance with more profits before actually spending money and building these planes and finding out it will not work out and costing the company a lot of money. They can also simulate how the environment can be affected by producing a certain product, with the waste materials and the gasses that are realist into the atmosphere. These are also responsible for telling what the weather should be for the coming days, and the only reason it can be inaccurate, is due to unknown variables that the people did not expect.

With that, it draws a close to a slightly lengthy post, and I hope you enjoyed it. Please share this with anyone who likes simulations or would be interested in reading about such things, as I am sure they shall thank you for it. If you would like to see more things like this, or have any opinions on the matter please leave them down in the comments below or on Facebook/Twitter, as we here at TCSA love to hear from you. Speaking of Facebook and Twitter, is you like what we here at TCSA talk about and would like to show your support, please like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. Hope you have/had a wonderful day.

Happy simulating guys.
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