Advertising and Sponsorships

Are you looking to invest? Perhaps you particularly enjoy the strange, occasionally humorous but usually interesting writings of Those Crazy South Africans? Or maybe you need to advertise your product or business? Perhaps all, perhaps none.

Either way, money makes the world go round and even TCSA needs things from time to time. (Food for example. Food is very good. Perhaps even necessary. Who can say?)

Sponsorship and Advertising Services:

So if you would like to assist TCSA monetarily and in turn benefit yourself; then you will find the below list of potential advertising/sponsorship deals that you may be able to make with TCSA or other work that we may be willing to do.

  • TCSA Sponsorship Special - TCSA is looking for a special, once off first time sponsor which will feature terms that will never again be offered in a TCSA Sponsorship deal again including nominal expenses in the long term and near permanent advertising of your company or business on our Website.
  • Segment Sponsorship - TCSA is also looking for sponsors for the segments of each of our associated members on the blog in order to assist them in maintaining the quality of their work. If you have become fond of a specific member of TCSA and would like to have your company or business advertised in each of their Post Header images, as well as further graphics involving them in the future, then you can become their segment sponsor.
  • One Time Advertisement - TCSA is also willing to do one shot advertisements of products or services at the end of each blog post. However, do note that we will review your product or service before we accept the contract. Any requests for the advertising of a product or service which does not meet the specifications of it's requested advertisement, or is deemed to be potentially controversial or damaging to the TCSA reputation, will be ignored.

Other Services:

TCSA is also offering other services, which may change and be added to as time goes by, which may not directly involve the blog or it's content but may otherwise influence it such as:

  • Attendance of and coverage of various events
  • Motivational or Interesting Presentations and Talks/Debates
  • Custom Graphic Designs To Specification

If you are interested in discussing any of these options for potential future business ventures involving TCSA and it's associated members, then please do be sure to send us an email at with the word "Business" in the subject line so that we can get back to you as soon as possible.

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