Monday, September 29, 2014

JovialJman - Gym And It's Unfortunate Consequences

"Workout machines and gyming... I can't find anything snarky to say about this. Oh well." - OddballGreg

Gyming can be very fun with friends, and you can get a really good body afterwards; but do it wrong and you can impair yourself for the rest of your life. Lets talk about that.

I have recently started going to gym seeking to improve my fitness and physique (as you might have guessed), but started by myself and had no clue as to what I was doing, nor did I have a schedule that I would use to train effectively. However, once I found someone that I could gym with, my word is there a difference and a half as to what you can do and how far you can push yourself at gym with the assistance of a gym partner.

When working out properly, the other person can push you far beyond that which you could go yourself, and in a safer way, as they can observe your form and assist you to improve it where need be. Since my friend who I started working out with has been going to gym for a while, the weights he uses are rather scary to put it lightly. Doing some of the curls and presses, I was using an 8th of the weights he was, which is a bit depressing, but since I am only just starting, it is to be expected as we all have to start somewhere.

Doing cardio, I realized just how unfit I am, (something that will be changing soon hopefully), but I am pushing myself a bit further each day. Different muscles are worked on in different ways, and if I understood correctly, bodybuilding and strength building are rather different things. The way you workout matters a fair amount on the type of muscles you want. If you do many reps, (Which means how many times you pull up and let the weight down), with a light to medium weight, then you will build the size of your muscles, (and strength, thought that is not the main goal), but if you do few reps with heavy weights, you will increase the strength and not so much the size of the muscles.

People tend to work 2 muscle groups a day, or at least from what I have heard and seen. You get arms, legs, back. chest, stomach, shoulder and the cardio, (I know cardio is not a muscle but it works various muscles and is important for general fitness). You may do some of these a few days in a row but others it is recommended to give it a day or two's break before doing it again. It is a good idea to try and figure out a gym plan before just going for it as some of the techniques and routines may harm your body overtime. Ask a person working at your gym to assist you if you need help.

This image shows most of the muscles in the human body
After your workout, if you pushed yourself, you will see that your muscles will be so tired that simple activities become far more difficult, (like typing... if you need to write a blog, that gets a little painful...). I have been stiff for 4 days now and while it is good to be exercising, it is also really annoying. I know that it will wear off in time, but it lets me know that I was working those muscles quite well. I was initially ignorant and worked on the same muscles in my arms before they had a chance to recover, which didn't help the stiffness at all as I'm sure you can understand. (Ah well, live and we learn).

I am sorry for the rather short post, but my arms just want me to stop. (Teehee). If you feel that I did not say something I should have, or have any gym stories of your own that you would like to share, please tell us down in the comments, over Facebook or tweet us on Twitter. Also, do you know of anyone who does gym or would like to start, please share this with them as I am sure they would appreciate it. Of course, if you enjoyed today's post and would like to see the newest ones as they are published, please like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. Thank you for taking the time to read today's post and I shall write again overmorrow.

Work hard my friends.
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