Saturday, July 5, 2014

Random Subject Saturday - Top 10 YouTubers that are stealing my life.

Hellooooooo and welcome to Random Subject Saturday; that day of the week where I reveal why I have no time in my days and then tell you how to ruin your schedule in a similar way.
YouTube logo is obviously the property of YouTube and not me..
(Just in case you were going to ask.)
If you happen to have a lot to do with your days; I highly advise you to do absolutely nothing with the information I'm about to give you. For the rest of you sorry, boring people, here's a list of reasons why I have no time in my day and how you can end up the same. (Here's a hint: They're YouTube channels.)

Part of the fun of YouTube is it's inherent similarity to TV. You pick a channel you like and you watch it. The problem with that being, depending on how many channels you like, you may end up sitting up at 11pm writing a blog post because you couldn't stop watching said channels. Is that a good thing? I don't know. Will that stop me? Probably not. So without further ado, here's my top ten list, in no particular order, of YouTubers that are stealing my life away. (And I'm not sure I entirely care.)

(Before anyone gets clever, all images are properties of their respective owners.)

What kind of self-professed YouTube lover would I be if I didn't mention Pewdiepie. Come on. Besides... I watched Pewdiepie before it was cool. (Hipsters are painful by the way) The bro army numbers in the millions and Pewdiepie's videos continue to hold the acclaimed popularity that's been in the news so much these days. (If you don't know who he is, I hope the rock you live under is comfortable; this should bring you up to speed.)

So why is he on the list? Well, apart from a bias because I like video games in general and have since a young age, his video commentary's are genuinely funny on occasion, (In my personal opinion of course. Please, don't start screaming...), and because he is a genuine person, despite the stardom he has accrued. Many people talk about his fame or the money he makes, but few bother to mention things like his hefty charity donations, his insistence on personally meeting fans despite security warnings and his refusal to hire a video editor, preferring to work alone. He's an entertainer, he's good at what he does and the common opinion supports that. (Opinion again.) That and well, I just enjoy the random things he does. (Teehee)

Perhaps my favorite Canadian Youtuber out there, Quill18 (or Martin Glaude) is a relatively small YouTuber and video game commentator. A frequent player of intensively strategic games, and even the occasional board game, Quill18 holds the honor of being one of 2 YouTuber's I have ever bothered to go watch a live Twitch Stream of. Full of honest humor, plenty of which is unintentional when in his quest for a strategic victory, he does something unbelievably stupid despite sounding like he knows what he's doing. While other larger YouTubers have a greater variety of video's that take my interest from time to time, Quill18 is one of the few that has me returning day by day. He's also one of the few that has made me laugh uncontrollably, but that's more because of my increasingly stoic sense of humor than anything else. 

3. Northernlion (Aka Ryan Letourneu)
Another less known YouTube game commentary maker person thing. (And Canadian strangely enough. Are the Canadians invading the internet? Probably not, since even Northernlion himself says they're too busy apologizing for things.) Also a grand strategist, I find him immensely likable due to his distinctive voice and tendency to a class of sharper wit and humor than is typical in this electronic age. He is certainly worth checking out for, among other things, his 800 episode+ lets play of the Binding of Isaac. (And perhaps his shiny head, if his logo/caricature is anything to go on.)

JackSepticEye is the first Irish YouTuber I've ever watched. (And possibly the only one as well.) I may be biased since I like Irish people for some as-of-yet undiscovered reason, but the self-proclaimed "most energetic video game commentator on YouTube" is by far one of the funniest and, indeed, energetic YouTubers that you are likely to watch. Absurd, to the point where he yells out to his "ma" to see whenever he does well in a game, JackSepticEye is an extremely fun commentator to watch as he loses his temper at a variety of games and laughs historically at others. An absolute must watch in my book, unless you have no sense of humor.

TotalBiscuit: Britsh? Check. Cynical? Check. PC only game reviewer? Check. Brutally Honest? *Scratches in the block so furiously the answer is undeniably clear.* TotalBiscuit is not actual a game commentator as the other YouTubers on this list so far, but is a reviewer of PC games as well as a very large authority on game information. His claim to fame is his no-nonsense approach to reviews in which he refuses to sugarcoat any issues he finds. A spade is a spade and a shit console port is precisely that to TotalBiscuit. If you are ever unsure if you should spend money on a game, TotalBiscuit is the reviewer to watch to see just what it is you'd be spending your money on. A cool guy if ever there was one.

6. Scott Manley
Part time astronomer, Part time YouTuber, full time space enthusiast. I found Scott Manley entirely by accident one of many YouTube video spree's that I occasionally embark upon. (Frequently... daily... shut up.) Highly intelligent, his video's are often entertaining both because of his gameplay and fun banter but also because of the highly logical and educated way that he approaches his video's. You're likely to learn a great deal just by listening to the various things he discusses while not-crashing a variety of Kerbal spaceships or combating aliens. His accent is also fairly fun to listen to as well. 

7. Operation Dx (Aka Michael Waddle)
Operation Dx is another space oriented video game commentator with a penchant for the theatrical. His young and honest enthusiasm for what he does is often a pleasure to listen to, and it is encouraging to see the way he researches or works on the things he talks about or plays; often pointing out things not many people would notice, arguing both for and against various things with himself, role-playing stories for the entertainment of his viewers and even just creating stories and music for his video's. While perhaps not as prolific or iconic as YouTubers, I still find myself often looking forward to his videos.

An English speaking half-Korean, half-German YouTuber, it should come as no surprise that this mixture of unorthodox ethnicity makes for an unorthodox person. Many of the larger YouTube commentators are known for a specific style of gaming; Markiplier is known for an uncommon level of comedic absurdity, even in the face of other giants like Pewdiepie. Sometimes suave and filled with bravado, other times screaming to the point of near vocal damage, Markiplier is bound to have you laughing at his highly variable hijinks as he attempts to portray himself as a highly skilled individual, only to lose all semblances as he gives into rage or fear, depending on what he's playing. Certainly an entertaining character no matter your tastes. Also one who's kept me up late at night laughing at his horrific surgery skills.

A younger, newer YouTube game commentator, Mathas himself states on his YouTube channel that he "Play games... badly." While perhaps not setting himself up for anything big with that statement, Mathas is fun in that he doesn't overreact to the occurrences within the games as do other YouTubers. While overreacting can most certainly be funny, sometimes it's nice to sit and listen to someone who plays games like a normal human, even if he does unaccountably stupid things and misses the obvious while he's at it. A friendly pleasant voice to listen to, I find Mathas to be an enjoyable commentator to listen to when you're looking for something a little more relaxed to listen to and watch.

What? A non game related channel on this list? Blasphemy. (No not really.) Epic Rap Battles of History is another name that has become big news (literally) both on YouTube and even in other forms of media as a part educational, part comedic representation of historical characters and facts having rap battles against others. They do occasionally do fictional characters though. ERB is a joy to watch because of the level of research they put into the character they portray, often revealing little known facts about people such as Nikola Tesla or George Washington through clever rap lyrics. 

And that, as they say, is it. There are many other YouTube channels which I enjoy checking on occasion, but these are the most notable of them. Hopefully you've found something of interest in these pages, either in the form of an entertaining new character to watch online, or maybe a just why my sleeping habits are so terrible. In either case, please consider leaving a comment in the section below. Perhaps even consider liking my Facebook page to get daily updates of when I upload a new post, or simply share this with friends you think, need something new to do with all their spare time. Thank you guys for reading, and I hope you have/had an AWESOME day.

Aurevoir Friends.
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