Friday, September 12, 2014

OddballGreg - All In One Runtimes (

Screenshot is of German websites are always so fun to read. "Actung!" "Wartu!" "Fertig!".  Good thing Google Chrome translates pages right?

You're sitting at home, and that game you just installed keeps giving you the same "MSVCR100.dll" error regardless of how many times you reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ redistrubutable packages. Luckily, unsere freunde Deutch from have got our backs with AIO Runtimes.

If you've spent any fair amount of time on a computer playing games or installing software of the general kind, then it's rather extremely likely that you've come across this sort of problem before. You install the program and all it's required redistributable packages, but for some strange reason, you just keep getting that same irritating error.

I'd rate this as a close second in "rage inducement". Number one is a BSOD when you've forgotten to save 10 hours of work.

Frustrated, you uninstall all of the packages and reinstall them all again, only to find that the cumulative result of your effort is a great deal of wasted time and effort, since nothing has changed except your growing urge to facedesk. (I gave into it personally. I find it hard not to get annoyed when I'm still fixing a computer at 3am with nothing to show for it.)

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared from the depths of purgatory. (Probably exaggerating.) My desperation to finally fix the issue and thus allow Path Of Exile and Dead Island: Riptide to function on my computer led me to watch the some of the worst, most badly narrated videos on YouTube, as every would-be helper has their say on what will fix the issues on your computer. Strangely enough, one of them was actually right.

Following the link in one of these horrifically narrated video's description, I was taken to where I skeptically, (after translating the page into English), began downloading's All-In-One Runtimes pack.

Hope you can read German. Teehee
Imagine my delight at realizing that all I needed to do was tick all, press "Installieren" and give it about 15 to 20 minutes to uninstall and reinstall every single relevant package on my computer in order. Visual C++ Runtimes for 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013; Direct X, .Net Framework. My brain held still as I cautiously checked to see if it had done what was promised. A one stop fix for all these ridiculous .dll errors.

As funny as it would be to rickroll you right now with a Rick Astley video and say it didn't work, I'd be lying. What had taken 5 hours of frustration to get wrong, took 30 minutes to get right with this one brilliant program. Imagine the ridiculous little victory dances I was doing. (If you can't, I fear we've never met... Just imagine something really bad that's really funny... that's about right.)

In any case, hopefully this fantastic little program will be of as much assistance to you as it was for me, as it really is deserving of all this praise. If you have any questions, or simply want to tell us about how it helped you, please be sure to let us know in the comments below, or via Facebook/Twitter. We here at TCSA love to hear from you guys. Better yet, make sure to share this article with your computer oriented friends. I'd bet you money that they would thank you if I wasn't mostly broke all the time. (Teehee) And of course, if you would like to read more interesting, useful or just humorous articles like this one, then be sure to like the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left so that you can get the latest posts, as they're published. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Happy computer fixing my friends.

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