Sunday, August 24, 2014

JovialJman - The MAGIC of Performing Magic

"Do you realize how hard it is to get images of magic tricks that are in the public domain? Also, TCSA are not related to magic practitioners in any way. Just to be clear." - OddballGreg

Performing magic is one of the most amazing feelings I have ever experienced, although is somewhat underrated among those who do not understand the kind of skill and practice that is required to do it. Lets talk about what it's like to be the one doing the tricks... again.

A good friend of mine, Clinton, mentioned that I didn't really sell the Magicians point of view from The Dissolution Of Magic post I did 6 days ago. I just wanted to say thank you to him for discussing it with me; so now I can talk all about how amazing it really is. (And boy is it awesome.)

Once you have a couple tricks under your belt, you can perform it in many different ways just by changing the story that goes with it. A lot of the time it is the story that can sell a trick more than the skills behind the actual trick would do; even the most simplest of tricks can become outstanding when you put a good story with it.

One of my favorite magic tricks is the This'n'That card trick as it was one of the first tricks that had an awesome story behind it, that even if you perform it twice, (never do that though), it will still dumbfound a fair few more people. Here is WTF Magic trick performing said trick.

If you don't have the time to watch the video, I would recommend trying to watch it when you do have time. Now for all of you people that like to over-analyze the video, he made 2 or 3 mistakes that will show you some of the moves that he does, but still an amazing performance of the trick regardless. (please don't look for them). Anyways, the just of the trick is that he has 3 cards, 2 of which are "this" card, and 1 "that" card. Then he magically makes it 3 "this" cards and then 3 "that" cards.Then right at the end he reveals they are 3 different cards.

The story that goes with this trick makes it seem like he is showing you what happened to him, and thus pulls you into it. There are so many uses with the 3 moves he does, and there are many variations on it as well. Now SoFloAntonio did the same trick but put his own unique twist on it.

I have had so much fun with this, along with many other tricks, and with so many people that it is hard to count. There was a time for like 2-3 weeks where I did these tricks at school and freaked a few people out, and the most outrageous reactions are always the best. I was know for a while as the Magic Man. (there was a teacher that took some of my cards and threw it away, but I was kinda playing with them in her class to be fair. That was still pretty mean though.)

I still like learning new ways to do tricks and illusions and trying to figure out how other people do it,since I know a lot of the basics; I can usually suss out how a trick is done most of the time which makes it even better when there is a trick that I don't know how it is done. So the Magic of seeing the tricks is still somewhat still there for me, but it is a lot more rare then for most others.

Who knows what you can do with Magic tricks. You can be the life of the party or entertain at family gatherings, or even for the brave, you can pick up girls. (I will be trying it in the future XD, wish me luck. I will let you know how it goes afterwards.)

That is my urge to show you how AMAZING tricks are: fulfilled. If you feel the same way about magic tricks or want to see me perform some tricks, please be sure to drop a comment below or post a comment over on Facebook, or for the twitters you can tweet us on Twitter. If you found this post interesting or have friends that would like to hear about magic tricks, please share this post with them aswell. If you like my posts and would like to see what else I or OddballGreg have to say, please be sure to like the official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the left bar so you can see the latest post as they're posted.
But whatever you do, I hope you have/had a magic filled day and I will speak again soon my comrades.


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