Friday, January 30, 2015

OddballGreg - Things That Touch Our Souls

A rather artistic picture if I don't say so myself, but the repetitive use of the same tree detracts from the overall effect.

Have you ever seen something, had some thought or heard something that touched you? And I don't mean that in the Catholic priest with the small boy kind of way. I'm talking about the emotional rush you get from something that is profoundly meaningful to you, perhaps followed by goosebumps and and a shiver up your spine? Lets talk about that.

Before you moan, I've got nothing against Catholic priests. That joke was burnt out long before I got to it, just listen to some of Jeff Dunham's ventriloquism acts for proof of that. Anyways.

You've probably experienced the aforementioned sensation before. Perhaps you were watching a movie with a particularly touching story that meant a lot to you as a person. Or perhaps following a particularly emotional conversation with a loved one, you struck upon such a marked epiphany that your very skin rose upon it's end. Maybe you were simply realizing how easily things could have just gone wrong. There are many things that can cause this feeling, and they tend to be somewhat specific to the individual. Few people are affected by exactly the same things.

A while ago I watched a video related to this feeling as it was discussed by Rhett and Link on their YouTube show: Good Mythical Morning. In their video "Give Yourself The Chills" which I have linked below, they discuss some of the things that can give you this feeling.

It's a really hard thing to explain as even they noted in the video. There's plenty speculation about why we feel it, but really, all we know is that we feel it. As inexplicable as it is, perhaps it's fitting that the sensation we associate with these intense emotional reactions is such a mystery. That when we hear things like a woman crying, or read the harrowing tale of a man who gave up on a woman who had based her life upon him, and promptly gave up on life when he broke it off, our bodies react as much as our minds, our bodies real as much as our minds; like having a frozen tongue glide up your spine. (At least, those are some of the things that cause me to have "The Chills" as Rhett and Link call it.)

I like to think that this is not some pointless evolutionary vestige of trying to look bigger, but more proof of our humanity. That upon experiencing or learning of something that is clearly so significant to us as individuals, our very bodies react to that unnamed feeling that lies somewhere between shock and amazement. If nothing else it proves that despite whatever it is you've just seen, or heard, or thought about not having impacted you directly, it still touched you deeply as a person. It's proof that as a person, there is far more to you than meets the eye. Like an onion. The outer layers may be papery and inedible, but as you move closer to the center, the layers become thicker and juicier and more nutritious. But just like a person, stripping an onion comes with it's own consequences, usually tears. (It also comes with the risk of sounding like you're talking about Shrek, but sssshhh.)

So perhaps there is something unique and interesting that gives you chills or goosebumps, as there are many for me, which more than anything prove that you are interesting and deep as a person. If so, do be sure to let us know what they are down in the comments below, or via Facebook/Twitter. We here at TCSA love to hear your feedback. And of course, if you enjoy finding out about awesome stuff on the web and world then do please be sure to like the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left to get all the latest posts as they're published. Also, do be sure to share posts you enjoyed with your friends as it helps us out a great deal. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Consider your feelings my friends.
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