Tuesday, August 26, 2014

JovialJMan - Mythical Creatures and Their Uses

"Turns out there's no pictures of mythical creatures on the internet. Who would've guessed?" - OddballGreg

Have you ever wondered how mythical creatures would fit into society or if they would even help us. It could be interesting to see how the world would be different if these fantastical beasts were an actual part of our everyday lives.

The following is a list of some of the mythical creatures I know of and the uses they would have in society. I use the assumption that they would be domesticated in some way to help in society but still may keep some of the bad traits they may have. Most of these creatures are from Greek mythology.

Unicorns - are beautiful creatures, but as the myths go, it is not tamable by man, thus making it is a very dangerous creature. In Harry Potter, the blood of the unicorn would be able to heal any wound but at a price, so for anything other than their beauty and their uses as pretty horses, they are rather pointless. (XD see what I did there)

Dragons - can emit fire from their mouths. In movies such as "How to Train Your Dragon", and series such as "Game Of Thrones", people seem to be able to tame them to some extent. The Fire breath would be of use for starting fires, melting metals and smoldering your enemies. (sorry Kraznys mo Nakloz)

Centaurs - all but one in Greek mythology were unruly and got drunk often. Except for the horse part there are a lot of people who act like that today so they would just kinda blend in wouldn't they?

Giants - are very angry creatures that throw rocks, trees, (and people), at Mt. Olympus for fun. The only use they would have is moving heavy things and the destruction of unwanted land/buildings. (And throwing people.)

Griffins - are amazing creatures. Their feathers are believed to change colour in the presence of poison and their nests are made out of gold. So they would be able to assist in gold mining and their feathers could be made into something that detects poison.

Trolls - They already exist, and are natives of the internet. Wish they didn't. Let's move on.

Harpies - are women mixed with birds. So yeah...

Hydra - is a beast that has usually 6 to 9 heads and will regrow 2 heads if one is chopped off. So if it's true that 2 heads are better than one, then this is the best creature in the list.

Kraken - is a huge sea creature that devours ships and sea goers. SUSHI. 'nuff said.

Pegasus - is a white winged horse that was entrusted to bring Zeus his bolts and thunder. He would be used as a faster means of travel to someone that would be able to afford such a thing. (Because obviously somebody is going to charge you to ride them.)

Phoenix - is a beautiful bird that is born from the ashes of another Phoenix. It is believed that it's tears can heal any wound and, that until its death, it is completely resilient to fire. So they would be able to look for survivors in a burning building and try and rescue them, and they could be useful in winter.

Sphinx - were the guardians to tombs and pyramids. They would make a rather good watchdog(cat?), provided they don't sleep all day. 

Titans - were the rulers before the Olympians. They are of enormous size, of which one is said to hold up the earth. So they could move anything including planets. 

Mermaids - have the torso and head of a female and the lower end of a fish. So yeah...

Sirens - would sing songs to entice sailors to steer their ships towards them and often into rocks, leading to a very water grave for the sailors aboard. They would make really good music and be able to make instruments out of your bones for others to play. (Teehee)

Anyways, if you have enjoyed this article, or have other uses for mythical creatures perhaps, then please let us know in the comments below or over Facebook or Twitter. If you have any friends that enjoy mythical stuff or are really into Greek mythology, please share it with them. They will probably thank you for it. If you would like to read more posts like this one, do be sure to like our Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left so you can get the latest posts as they go up. Regardless of what you do, I do hope you have a fantastic day and thank you for reading.

Be wary of the trolls my friends, farewell.
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