Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Technology Tuesday - Aura Kingdom (Lolicom Paradise)

Hello and welcome to Technology Tuesday; the day of the week where I explain what a lolicom is, and why this game is mostly only for them.

Now Loading: Grindquest with cuteness sprinkles.

You ever played an MMORPG that was more or less exactly the same as all the others? Aura Kingdom is kind've like that, except it tries to win hearts with it's cuteness and lolicom attraction. I played this game for aproximately 2 days before wanting to facedesk repeatedly out of boredom. Lets talk about why.

Ironically, before I start, I should point out that if I continue to talk about games every Tuesday, I'm going to have to rename the segment. In any case, Aura Kingdom is essentially like every other MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), except in aesthetics. Made by Aeria Games, I discovered Aura Kingdom from a Steam friend who was continually playing this game each day.

Under the advisement that the game was good if you liked "Anime and RPG's", and was a game version of the Anime "Sword Art Online", I took it that it might be fairly good. This was further aided by my wish to play a an MMORPG as the last one I had played had been Shaiya, another game by Aeria games. (I had grown tired of that after several months as well.)

In any case, I downloaded them game, started it up and was met with cute lolli's and Unicorn pets. (The game is almost worth playing for the unicorn, as I showed on last friday's header image, but not quite.) Before I continue, I should probably explain what a lollicom is. Lollicom is essentially the concatenation of lolli and com. Com is short for complex as in something you're obsesses about, and a lolli is a term for an anime character which looks very young, (like a little girl typically), despite their age in terms of the story. So somebody who is a lollicom... is probably a despicable human being. (Generally, there are always exceptions.)

In any case, most of the characters in the game look like little girls who struggle to shop for large enough bra's, and the men look effeminate enough that it's not surprising most of their costumes involve heeled shoes. The cuteness aspect was quite funny, and to it's credit, perhaps the most unique thing Aura Kingdom does.

Too bad that doesn't redeem how boring it is. Aura Kingdom does an impeccable job of doing the same as more or less every other MMORPG out there, with an endless supply of fetch quests, kill X creatures, and craft this item. It tries to pretend it's better with a completely unvoiced story with tons of text that has a fairly interesting premise, but I found by the end of the tutorial I was already pretty much skipping through the dialogue with the freely given "skip" button; simply to get to what would hopefully be more interesting gameplay.

Tell you what though, if you like staring at a bar, pressing buttons as their timers finish repeatedly, then maybe this will be fun for you. Too bad playing one MMO like this for a few months was my lifetime fill of such gameplay, so the combat was as dull as the story. Even better is that you can simply click the text of each objective in the journal, and your character will automatically make their way to the location of the quest objective. Never again will you be bored by having to find your own way to a place. (*facedesk*)

It is in bad light, when the best things you have to say about a game are that it looks pretty, it's cute, it has unicorns and it's funny using the "kiss" emoticon against walls/donkeys/monsters/anything/anyone. As a final verdict, I'd have to say that this is only worth playing if you're a lollicom, have never played an MMORPG, or are desperately bored. (It might not help with that last one too much though.)

In any case, I hope that you have found this interesting/entertaining, and perhaps found something new to play/not play. If you think I should have stomached the game longer for some reason or other, or maybe just have a difference of opinion on how good it is, make sure to let me know in the comments below. Also, make sure to share this with any friends you know that are looking for something new to play, so they know what to avoid. And of course, if you would like to see more game reviews like this, make sure to like my Facebook page and/or follow me on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the right so that you can get the latest posts as I put them up. And finally, regardless of what you do, I thank you for taking the time to read this article, hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again tomorrow.

Walk in peace my friends.
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