Legal Info And Sharing Policy

Sometimes people want to know if they're allowed to use anything from a website or anything like that. That's what this page is about. If you're thinking of "borrowing" anything without asking, you should probably read this. If you have any questions, please feel free to visit the "Contact Us" page in order to reach us.

Sharing Policy
All posts, content and photos within this site belongs to, Gregory Havenga and/or Jerome Damhuis unless specifically otherwise stated. You may use any of the blog's works in accordance with the Creative Commons licences posted below them, provided you follow the terms of the licence. For anything not expressly stated to be under a Creative Commons licence, as shown by the associated Creative Commons logo and link, or other terms no associated with Creative Commons, consider it either the property of Gregory Havenga and/or Jerome Damhuis and, or someone else’s used under agreement, and thereby not free for use, sharing or editing. This does not extend to images used without attribution under the Creative Commons (CC0 1.0) public domain license which have been obtained from The sharing of posts is allowed under the provision that you link back to the original post. No editing or further use of the posts or their subject material is permitted unless done so with express permission from Gregory Havenga or Jerome Damhuis.

Names, Trademarks and Copyrighted materials are the possessions of their respective owners.  

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