Tuesday, December 23, 2014

OddballGreg - The Steam Holiday Sale 2014

A wonderfully non-descriptive and poorly chosen screenshot of the Steam Store. Because terrible screenshots are what I'm all about.

Does your wallet suffer from excess weight? Do you suffer from having time on your hands? Well, provided you have a steam account, you're probably about to be cured of both those afflictions. Let's talk about the Steam Holiday Sale.

Every year, the wonderful, massive games distribution platform that is Steam has a year end holiday sale in which they successfully alleviate the wallets of the world through both quantity and quality of sales. There are truly few services that can entice you to buy things that you may never use, but Steam does that... well. (Not that I'm complaining.)

The statistic as pointed out in this Gamespot article from April this year based on a study by Ars Technica, is that 37% of all Steam games purchased are never played. Which is absurd considering that even at their cheapest, some games are worth a cheap meal at a fast food restaurant. (At least here in South Africa.) Nonetheless, these sales allow people who are somewhat more concious about their spending habits, such as myself, to get games that they want at extremely cut rates.

For example, as of about an hour or two ago from the posting of this article, Payday 2 went on sale at 75% off from it's price, with a 4 pack at the same 75% discount, which equates to a ridiculous saving in total, and an effective buy 3 get 1 free deal. Naturally, JovialJman, myself and our friends being the Payday fanatics that we are, immediately jumped upon this fantastic deal for a fantastic game.

Of course, among others, games such as all the Saints Row's, The Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Portal 2 and many other fantastic titles have all seen fantastic discounts for the holiday, including daily deals like Payday 2's in which they are further discounted by ridiculous amounts. Essentially, the Steam Holiday Sale is a frugal persons dream happiest dream.

Word of forewarning, If I suddenly drop off the internet for a while, I'm probably playing games more than I should be. In any case, that's all I have to say on the matter, so if you would like to get good games on the cheap, make sure to head over to Steam and check out the great deals and let me know what you find, down in the comments below, or via Facebook/Twitter. We here at TCSA love to hear your feedback. And of course, if you enjoy finding out about awesome stuff on the web and world then do please be sure to like the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left to get all the latest posts as they're published. Also, do be sure to share posts you enjoyed with your friends as it helps us out a great deal. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Happy Holidays my friends.

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