Monday, December 29, 2014

OddballGreg - The Busy Season Of Season Business

I bet I'm winning the mother of all eye roll awards for a title like that. Teehee

December. Christmas. New Years. Every birthday of every person I know apparently, myself included. You probably know the feeling. One moment you're looking forward to it, next moment its happening, and mere seconds afterwards you're sitting, several kilograms heavier, tired out of your mind and glad to be going back to the regular rhythms.

December is the month of the year when time apparently no longer exists and everything just speeds by, leaving everyone in this contemplative mood where the sentence "I can't believe the year is already over." appears frequently. (Even I said it at a point, cliches be damned.) Despite this, it's a time of festivities and joyfulness. Everyone is celebrating another year survived, the birth of their savior, or some other thing that gives them a good reason to eat more than they should, drink heavily and be merry. (Or perhaps all of those things. Depends on your denomination.)

As a result, you may have noticed that the TCSA blog has been absurdly quiet, to the point of almost no posts for a couple days, but none from JovialJman in a fair while. The reasons for this are numerous ranging from the earlier mentioned festivities, to JovialJman being away from home for a holiday in some forsaken place far away from his computer, (THE HORROR.), and myself having an event every weekend and every week since December started. Pre-planned lans, home renovations, birthdays, birthdays, Christmas, birthdays. Did I mention birthdays? I'm turning 19 tomorrow and I'm so tired of celebrations I wish it was a normal day to be honest. 

In any case, I'm going to point out that I'm not going to be writing tomorrow, or New Years, because Celebrations, so do excuse the lax activity of the TCSA blog for this period. On the upside however, both JovialJman and I shall be back in full force come January whereupon we shall be bringing many new and interesting things to this blog and, hopefully, to you readers. 

Until then however, I wish you all a very safe and happy end of year, and hope everything is going as well as it could in these final days of 2014. See you next year folks, and I will speak again soon.

Happy New Years my friends.

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