Monday, November 3, 2014

OddballGreg - Video Game High School (A RocketJump Production)

An image of the Video Game High School logo, nefariously borrowed from Muhuhuhuhuhuhua. 

Ever wondered what it would be like to go to a high school that was all about playing video games and being the best at them? Welcome to Video Game High School, the low-budget but fantastically awesome and entertaining web-series from Freddie Wong.

About 3 years ago when I was still fairly new to being able to watch video's on YouTube at any time,(Uncapped internet at decent speeds costing what they do in South Africa), one of the YouTube channels that drew my attention quite significantly was what was, back then, simply called "Freddie W". Freddie W would make video game skits where he would take situations typically found in video games and the like and record a live action version of those type of events, which he then edited afterwards to give it that awesome video game appeal. Of all the countless channels I have watched on YouTube, only his channel, which is now called RocketJump and another channel called Corridor Digital, had done anything like that. At least as far as I know.

In any case, fast forward to the present, and things had changed since I'd last watched Freddie Wong's channel. (For starters it's called RocketJump now.) Having been busy with a wide variety of other things, blogging included, the kickstarter funded web series Video Game High School had eluded my attention until today.

Let me just be frank and say it. This show... IS AWESOME. Made on a budget several times smaller than most series these days, Video Game High School, or VGHS for short, is a well made and thoroughly entertaining take on the idea "What would it be like to go to a school for playing video games?"

Complete with a talented selection of actors, a fantastic storyline, some great use of gamer jargon and brilliant video graphics makes for a well rounded and thoroughly entertaining series complete with equal parts humor and intensity which honestly left me leaning in close to my screen to see what comes next. (Something that few shows do these days.) I will admit I'm probably biased because of all the gamer styled inside jokes and references makes me giggle like a schoolgirl who know's more than she should about male anatomy, but that's part of the appeal. If you consider yourself a gamer than you will definitely enjoy what is one of the few pieces of fiction these days which really focuses on gaming as it's central plot device. (Gamer and Noobz being the only others that readily come to mind.)

In any case, I'm going to stop sounding like a fanboy and let you watch the epic first episode of Video Game High School above, and then place a convenient link to the RocketJump YouTube page so that you can go watch all the other episodes in one day like I did today. (Teehee) It's definitely worth watching.

Of course, if it wasn't (which I doubt), or it was (which I mostly guarantee), do make sure to let us know down in the comments below, or via Facebook/Twitter. We here at TCSA love to hear your feedback. And if you have any gamer friends who you think would enjoy watching a gamer oriented show, feel free to share this article with them aswell. I'm sure they will appreciate it. Of course, if you yourself would like to read more articles about awesome stuff on the web like this one, consider liking the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or following us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left to get all the latest posts, as they're published. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had and absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Enjoy the show my friends.

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