Friday, October 10, 2014

JovialJman - A Weekend By The Sea

Sunrises and sunsets always look better over the sea.

Talking to many people and learning things from them, tanning on the beach and checking out the view. Really good times are made not given. Let's talk about that.

I recently went to Durban for the second MEGA Event, (a Geocaching event), and stayed with family for the length our stay. The MEGA was held in Giba Gorge, Kwazulu Natal. It ran from Saturday the 4th until monday the 6th of October 2014 although, I only attended it on Sunday. It was in a place that is for cyclist, and the routes you go on have really beautiful scenery, there is also a ramp with small sand hills that are not for the faint of heart, as you go over them with a fair amount of speed and  thereby catch a lot of air.

I went to the beach one day, which was just out side uShaka Marine World, and I found out that the sea is a bit warmer than that in PE, the sand was also something to get used to, as it wasn't as fine as that in PE, (I go to PE once a year, so I may reference it a bit), but it wasn't hitting your legs and face when the wind started to blow, which was nice. The sea always seems to attract those that are live in other places, but I guess that is why some of the people are at the coast, Teehee.

Self-confidence is something that many people struggle with and others have a bit too much of it. I am not the biggest fan of the way my body looks, (this may change since I am working on it), so taking off my shirt is something that frightens me for a bit because I am rather self-conscious about it,  I have to reason with myself that I will most probably never see these people again, and that is usually enough to get me to go have fun in the sea, I am sure there are people that can relate to some of this.

Having someone that is there to motivate you is something I have had, and it makes a world of difference. They help you realise that you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks and just have fun, which is something that I would like to learn to do by myself. That is enough of the slightly depro stuff, now lets talk about FUN ... not the band. Fun is - enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure, so to have fun, you can do a multitude of things as long it brings amusement or enjoyment. One can assume that it can be done with other people or by yourself.

You can make anything fun as long as you make the decision to do so. It is a decision and not an action. I can say that just laying down can be fun, but I was, however, on a jumping castle and there were children dog piling onto me because I was old and not supposed to be on a jumping castle. Plot twist ... my sister was in the same situation. Kids seem it is ok to do things but the second someone else does it, they are irritated, but then again some adults are like that as well. When at the beach I tried to make the best of the situation and did things that brought me enjoyment, and tried to ignore those things that didn't. If one applies that same concept to the things that can seem monotonous and aggravating at time, they can have fun, and time flies a lot faster when having fun.

A way to find out new things that you may enjoy is by going out of your comfort zone, how else would you find out new thing? Go out of your way to try new things, if you don't like it then you know for future reference, but you should try go by OddballGreg's saying at "try everything at least twice" as the first time is not always the best, the second can be looked as a confirmation on how that cuisines or event will be in future. Be a kid, do childish things because no-one has more fun than kids.

Any who, do you have ways that you have fun that is different from others, or do you enjoy the coast, if so please let us know down in the comments or on Facebook/Twitter. Do you know of anyone who never has fun, or is going to the coast anytime soon, please share this with them as I am sure they would thank you for it. Do you want to see new post as they come out, then please like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. Thank you for taking the time to read today's post, and I shall write again tomorrow. (sorry that the post is a day late but not traveling in the car on the way back home, I didn't have a chance to write it. I hope it is good none the less.)

Have fun people, it's healthy for you

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