Wednesday, October 1, 2014

JovialJman - The Thought Process (Thoughts And Ideas)

"A whole lot of sings on a board are like our thoughts right? or is it just me?" - JovialJman

We as humans tend to link ideas to help us through life. This linking of ideas is part of the creative process to learning, and everything else. Let's talk about that.

The train of thought, is a term people use to illustrate the thought process and the way we think. Often it can be derailed, lost, hijacked and have it revers course. When it is derailed, something has occurred as to make you think about something completely different, and then there is no chance of getting back on track, any time soon. When it is lost, your mind has wandered and just forgotten about the thought, again, hard to get back onto track. Others may have highjack your train of thought by asking you questions and talk about stuff that pertains to you, but this case it is still able to continue onwards afterwards. When your train of thought has reversed its course, you are just going to end up where you started with no real progress.

There is an old myth that you are either right brained or left brained. This is just a myth though, as when thinking about logical things, or being creative you will use both sides of the brains, so unless you have had half of your brain removed, you cannot be left or right brained. This phrase came about when testing on rats. they were able to restrict the communication of one half of the rats brain with the other, then studied them to see how they performed. They saw that those who tried to figure out the maze (analytical) used more of the left side of the brain whereas those that tried to work around it,(creative) use more of the right.

When linking ideas, your brain talks with so many other parts, that there is no sign that one type of thinking is in a specific spot, however, there are cases like speech are more often found to be in the left side of the brain, but that does not mean that everything to do with talking is located there. The brain is a very complicated thing to try and understand.  Everyone's brain is slightly different to everyone else's, which can be seen in the way we perceive things as well as the way we think about them. 

When thinking of items such as names, our brains tend to filter all that it deems irrelevant, which in some cases may actually be what you are looking for. Have you ever tried to recall something, you know it but it just won't come to you? this is your brain trying to help you, but inturn does the opposite. Once you have dropped the subject, your mind no longer blocks the answer and your subconscious may pull it through to your conscious thoughts, that is why you often get the things you were looking for after the subject has changed.

Some of the best ideas people have gotten have come to them when they were in the shower/bath. this is because of the break that your mind needs, like mentioned earlier, and partly because of their dopamine levels. the dopamine in your body allows creativity to flow a bit more easily. this because of the way it reacts in the brain and around the body. When taking a hot shower it is indicated to rise those levels of dopamine, which in turn allows the creative juices to flow.

Anyways, have you enjoyed this little rambling of mine, or do you have somethings you would like to contribute, please let us know down in the comments, on Facebook or over on Twitter, as us here at TSCA love to hear from each and everyone of you. Are there any people you know who likes to know a lot or would find stuff like this interesting, please share it with them as I am sure they will appreciate it. If you would like to see new posts as the are published, or would just like to show us your support, please follow us on Facebook and like us on Twitter, (... wait ... reverse that), using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. I hope you have/had an epic day, and I shall write again overmorrow.

Happy thinking buddies.

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