Sunday, September 14, 2014

OddballGreg - The Miracle Of Sound

Screenshot is of TCSA is in no way affiliated with or Gavin Dunne.

Games are awesome. Music is awesome. Game Music is also awesome. Awesome music about games? Really awesome. Especially when it's made by Gavin Dunne, the man behind the Miracle Of Sound Internet Music Project and a highly respected and talented musician on the internet.

Of course, it's been far too long since I spoke about a popular YouTube personality. (Seems like YouTube finds mention in at least every 3 posts I write. I may be addicted. Teehee) So I decided upon the brilliant Gavin Dunne, the Irish born singer and songwriter who is famous for his brilliant fan songs for movies and videogames which he posts to YouTube. What made me decide to talk about him specifically? Well, my infatuation with the French language, combined with his most recent song "My Revolution" for Assassins Creed Unity in which sings some lines in French, made it somewhat difficult not to. (Heehee)

Miracle of Sound has been a favorite of mine for a long time for his incredible ability to make incredible, atmospheric and well fitting songs for his topic of choice, in essentially any genre of music he may so choose. Rock, Metal, Jazz, Pop, etc, Gavin Dunne successfully makes music in all these styles and more in a way that effectively fits the game, movie or series. 

Perhaps more incredibly, Gavin has an incredible level of vocal control, able to sound vastly different in many of his songs. Going from the low, grimly humorous clown voice he used for the "Joker Song", to the sibilant, sneaky and smooth voice he used for his Skyrim tribute "Khajit Like To Sneak", both of which are fantastic songs in terms of his lyrical references to the topic or just plain humor of in game actions taken. A joy to listen to as always.

A skilled songwriter, singer and musician, I highly recommend checking out the video's I've mentioned in this article, as well as his others over on his YouTube Channel, and giving some support to a really awesome guy. 

In any case, if you really like the Miracle Of Sound, or think there's another great YouTube channel out there that deserves a good look and mention, then be sure to let us know in the comments below, on Facebook or via Twitter as we love to hear from you guys. Also, consider sharing this post with any friends who enjoy game tribute music. I'm sure they will enjoy it. Of course, if you would like to read more articles such as this one, consider liking the official TCSA Facebook page and/or following us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left, so that you can get all the latest posts, as they're published. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Enjoy the music my friends.

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