Friday, September 26, 2014

OddballGreg - 10 Pre-2000 Songs We Still Listen To

If you know who this character is, then you're probably a fan of trance music. Image is from this YouTube Video. Turns out its hard to get high quality images from ancient music videos.

Music is a very large part of most people's lives, so it makes sense that we pick and choose our favorite songs as we go. However, for some people, their age or upbringing is rather obvious by their choice in music, not that we particularly care. Here's a list of 10 Pre-2000 songs that we just won't stop listening to, in no particular order:

1. Darude - Sandstorm 

Lets start the list of songs from pre-2000 with a song that was almost released in 2000. Sandstorm is the insta-hit trance song by the Finnish DJ Darude from 1999, complete with a cult following of dancers and a horde of 20 to 30 year olds reminiscing about the good old days when music videos could have random running people instead of swinging balls and naked teen stars. (Teehee)

2. Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son

As a fan of the hit TV Series Supernatural, not knowing the name of the famous song that has played in the final episode of every season would be a shameful thing to admit as the band Kansas saw immensely renewed fame as a result of the 1976 made song's use in the series.

Bonus points for going hipster and saying I was listening to this song with my dad before Supernatural was ever aired. (Please don't hit me.)

3. Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire

The previously number 1 hit in the US from 1989, We Didn't Start The Fire is the fast paced pop rock song that makes you realize just how much happens in 40 years with over 100 references to news headlines from 1949 to 1989. It also happens to be hellishly catchy and fun to listen to, which is probably why I'm not alone in frequently listening to it despite the song actually being 6 years older than me.

4. ACDC - Highway To Hell

Speaking of hell, this wouldn't be a list without a reference to the 1979 released Highway to Hell and classic rock hit from ACDC. (You know, those guys everyone said were satanic before bands like Slipknot came out and took up the mantle.) Having been raised by an a drummer, it shouldn't surprise you that this song was something I knew well in my younger years. (That and the scary album art of Gene Simmons's Kiss. *Shivers*)

Fun fact, There are actually several places in the world called Hell, so it's arguable that this song could be making reference to any one of them, not the least the Hell in Michigan, United States.

5. Michael Jackson - Thriller

Of course, anything talking about pre-2000's would of course make reference to the "King Of Pop" as he was known, Michael Jackson. The much controversial Thriller was released in 1983 by the much controversial singer and dancer who was famous for things like crotch grabbing, anti-gravity shoes, good singing, color changes, and court cases about alleged pedophilia. Regardless of his actions and eccentricities, his songs remain famous to this day, having even gone platinum in music sales posthumously. His life must have been Thrilling to be certain.

6. Black Sabbath - Iron Man

There is great potential for irony in a metal song named after ferrous materials of metal designation. (ALL THE METAL PUNS!) In all seriousness, considering the advent of the famous Robert Downey Jr. movies Iron Man 1, 2 and 3, I'm not surprised this song is popular. (Okay fine, it was pretty popular before those movies anyway.) Either way, when you hear the iconic grungy guitar sounds of this songs intro, it's hard to mistake it for anything else. It might also be the only thing you listen to occasionally.

7. The Doors - Riders On The Storm

While perhaps not something immediately listened to in life, my enjoyment of this song actually came from hearing it in the Snoop-Dogg remix version that makes thousands of gamers immediately dream about racing cars on the Play Station 2 when they hear it. This 1971 song by The Doors will forever be famous for the laid back story telling that was the last recorded song including Jim Morrison to ever be released.

8. Boston - More Than A Feeling

Having practically heard this song from the moment of birth, (okay, that may be exaggerating, but my dad played Boston music A LOT while I grew up), suffice to say that this song has always been something of a favorite of mine for his upbeat rock tune that you just don't hear elsewhere. This staple of classic rock from 1976 will always be a favorite of many old rock enthusiasts, regardless of age.

9. Queen - We Will Rock You

Ah Queen, the first band I ever considered my favorite. How could we all not nod respectfully towards the legend that was Freddie Mercury who fell in his prime. Of course, it was difficult choosing between 1975 hit Bohemian Rapshody and the 1977 hit We Will Rock You for this list, since technically I listen to them both about equally as often, but when I consider just how much the 2 stomp one clap motif of We Will Rock You is used as sporting events, I think what was my first favorite song wins. (Totally not biased in any way, I promise).

Extra points if you remember how fun it was to have this and many other rock songs in the 2001 film "A Knights Tale"... which I think I'm going to go watch now.

10. Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall

Pink Floyd, the band famous for music that sounds drug induced, and my uncle's spite when I originally told him I didn't know who the band on his shirt was. Turns out, they're pretty awesome despite it frequently feeling like they had had poured LSD onto the computer when their songs were composed. 

Of course, any school child with a taste for the older music would tell you that Pink Floyd's 9 minute long, number 1 hit from 1979 was probably their anthem... that and Alice Cooper's "Schools Out" which was my common choice of song to sing at the end of every school term... for about 9 years running.

So if your name happens to be Aleks Da Silva and you're a good friend of mine, then you can proudly say that your nagging paid off and got OddballGreg to write a post about music. (You didn't have to do much nagging though. Teehee)

Do you have a song that you feel should have made this list? (Of course you do.) If so, let me know down in the comments below or over Facebook/Twitter; perhaps I'll even do a follow up article where I talk about them as well if enough people do so. And even if don't, you sharing this post with your music loving friends will of course be much appreciated by both myself, and most likely them I'm sure. Perhaps even like the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter so that you can get the latest articles, possibly including that follow up I mentioned, as they're published. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had and absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Rock hard my friends.

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