Tuesday, September 9, 2014

JovialJman - Internet Easter Eggs (Unknown Fun)

Screenshot is of the Google page after one searches the term "Zerg Rush"

Easter eggs are this thing that you get around Easter, (kinda in the name), and they are made from Eggs, (who would have thunk it, learn something every day.). In media however the Easter Bunny just loves to leave these little secret things all over the internet.

YouTube has some Easter Eggs such as: If you search "do the harlem shake" then the song will start playing while the YouTube logo dances to it. When the base drops, all of the thumbnails will move around and do the harlem shake as well. This was introduced just after it became a popular phenomenon on the internet. When you search for "doge meme" your search will yield videos but the font and colour of all the words will have changed. After searching for "beam me up scotty", your results will appear as if they have been transported onto your screen from Star Trek. If you have slow internet, like here in South Africa, you can play the classic Snake game while you wait for your Youtube video to load, while it is loading just hit the down or left arrow key and that should start the game. However it didn't work on my profile, but on the same computer under a different user, I was able to do it in the same browser, very strange.

Google is also very well know for their hidden items. There are very famous ones like searching for "do a barrel roll" to make the screen rotate 360 degrees and searching "z or r twice" will yield the same result. While searching "askew" will make your result a bit tilted and "tilt" will do the same. Apparently 1 is not just a lonely number but the most lonely, if you search "what is the loneliest number" a calculator will show you 1 because calculators understand English now apparently. This calculator can also answer the most difficult question "the answer to life the universe and everything" which is a reference to an awesome book/movie that I still need to read called "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Googling "once in a blue moon" is apparently measured in hertz while if you want to nag a ram, Google "anagram" but for the nerd fame again search "define anagram".

Google has different ways in which you can search things like if you can speak "pig latin", give this a go; whereas if you would prefer to be a pirate, this might be better suited to your poop deck. (I just wanted an excuse to use the word poop), then there is the l33t style that has come with the digital age. If you would like to see what it was like to "google in 1988", then google just that. Then there are the little games which you can play as well; search "zerg rush" and google images for "atari breakout". There is this web page that mimics google but adds gravity to it and Google maps lets you see inside the TARDIS!! Just go to this police telephone box and click inside. (By the way if you do not know what a tardis is then you have missed out on an awesome series my friend.)

Try and beat my score, it can't be too hard.
There are not as many on Facebook though. Most of the Easter Eggs most people know of are not much to talk about, but there are still some. If you enter ":putnam:" into the Facebook chat then the head of Chris Putnam, the Facebook engineer, will show as an emoticon. And just like Google you can be a pirate on Facebook by changing your language setting to English (Pirate) and make it upside down by changing the language to English (Upside down) in your account settings.

In Mozilla Firefox you can type "about:robots" into the address bar to come across this really strange message. Go to this web site and look at the source code (hit F12) to see a dragon. Yes a ****ing dragon (the asterisks mean flying). Wikipedia has a blank page that cannot be changed. What is its use? To look pretty, what else?

Anyways, if you like these Easter Eggs that the Easter bunny has left for us, or if you have beaten my score on zerg rush, then please let us know down in the comments, over Facebook, tweet us on twitter or you could even email us if you want as we love to hear from you. If you have any friends that are bored, please consider sharing it with them to make their day that much less boring, I am sure they will greatly appreciate it. If you would like to see new posts as they come out or just want to show your support, also please consider liking us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. Hope you have/had a really fun filled day, and I shall ramble again overmorrow.

Happy hunting compadres.

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