Wednesday, September 17, 2014

JovialJMan - Geocaching (Glorified Treasure Hunting)

"Greg isn't here to leave a comment on this picture" - Not OddballGreg

Going around looking for plastic containers in the bush so you can leave your name and when you found it, doesn't that sound like so much fun?

Geocaching, when put as simple as you can, does not sound like something that almost 2 and a half million people are actively doing. Yes, it is that amazing, that so many people are doing it, (you should try). To give it a slightly better description it is a treasure hunt using a GPS which takes you to many places, that you may have never been to before, to try and find these little treasures hidden away with, occasionally, small trinkets inside.

I still remember the very first time I went geocaching with my dad when he started 5 or 6 years ago. It was behind an airport but sadly the place was a bit dirty with litter, but that did not diture the 13ish me, nooo, I really wanted to find this as I would be the first in the family to do so. Who would have thunk that I actually did find it.

MY brother, father and myself at one of many caches.
Geocaching has led us to places with such beauty that I cannot find the right words to convey it, I have seen waterfalls, streams in gorges, to name just 2. The people you meet along the way are just as amazing. I have met so many wonderful people that are always upbeat and cheery and some have become family (one team of which we see weekly, Teehee).

The Geocaching community is having a MEGA event soon well, to be specific, it is from the 4th to the 6th of October 2014, which I am attending. It will be the second one in South Africa, (I also attended the first because I am just that awesome). I am eagerly awaiting it as I have not been to Natal in a really long time and the family there just as long. It is going to be a really good 3 days, some of which I will be spending with my family. If you would like to know more information about it please follow @Mega_KZN .

This is the logo of the First MEGA in South africa.
I must apologize to all the Geocachers out there that might find the opening statement sarcastic but we all know it is AWESOME fun. If you enjoyed this post, or are a Geocacher yourself, please let us know down in the comments or on Twitter/Facebook, as we here at TCSA really love to hear from you. If you know of anyone with a GPS or likes meeting new people, or seeing beautiful places (that is pretty much everyone), please Share this with them as I am sure they would appreciate it. If you would like to see more posts as they are published, like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. I shall write to you again overmorrow.

Happy hunting fellers.

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