Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Website Wednesday - (Away With Earworms)

Hello and welcome to Website Wednesday; the day of the week where I tell you about a handy website that's actually a clever gimmick, but is fun anyways.

Screenshot is of and is obviously their property.

You ever find yourself with a song in your head that just won't go away, even for days. I know I've had that and it makes me want to facedesk more than willing ignorance does. Thankfully, websites like exist to make fun of the issue. Today I'm going to talk about it.

A while ago, I mentioned the website in my blog article about the shrewd marketing tactics advertisers often use today. Figuring I needed something fun to talk about today, I chose because it's such a clever gimmick. 

To understand the purpose of, you need to understand what an Earworm is. An earworm is a song or tune that gets stuck in your head for unreasonable lengths of time, and often become extremely irritating for the suffering individual. Michael Stevens was ironically again the first place I had ever heard of the technical term for this issue in his Vsauce video "Why do we feel nostalgia?" seeks to aid individuals ailing from this frustrating ailment, and attempts to do so by giving you an equally catchy song to listen to so that you forget about the song old song... by replacing it with another one. As obliged as I am to for their efforts, you must admit that it's funny for being an unabashed gimmick. Anyone can easily go listen to any music to get rid of an earworm, but provides this service, and for free most of all. A+ on the effort in my books. The funniest part, they even acknowledge the fact that they're just replacing the song with another one. I like these people.

Still, there's some very good music on their website, so I often find myself sitting on there simply to find music, rather than using the service for it's intended purpose. (Teehee)

In any case, that's it for this humorous little website. Do you have another website you would like me to talk about? Perhaps you want to moan at me for the relative shortness of this blog post. Either way, make sure to do so in the comments below. Also, make sure to share this with any friends who are suffering from earworms, it might help, even if just to make them laugh. And of course, if you would like to read more articles like this, make sure to like my Facebook page and/or follow me on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the right so that you can get the latest posts, as I put them up. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for taking the time to read this, hope that you have/had and absolutely fantastic day, and will speak again tomorrow.
Vale amicis.

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