Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Website Wednesday - The Great Model Train Show

Hello and welcome to Website Wednesday, the day of the week where I tell you about awesome stuff on the internet and how to find it.

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Today, I'm talking about MODEL TRAINS. Well, to be technical, I'm talking about a group of people based in South Africa that "play" with Model Trains, in a manner of speaking. I'm also talking about a huge event they're holding in October. (Because I'll be there, and it'll be awesome. :D )

The N Gauge Guild Of South Africa is a non-profit organization of train and model enthusiasts alike who gather every 6 weeks, (That makes it sound like a cult. Sorry. XD ), at St Ursula's Convent in Krugersdorp, South Africa, as well as exhibit their majestic Modular Model Train Layout at various events throughout the year. 

So why am I talking about this on Website Wednesday then? Well, two reasons really; the NGG (N Gauge Guild) is rather active online, they're website found here is regularly updated with the guild's exploits, (Which I tend to attend on occasion, so that automatically makes it awesome.) They also maintain a regular email newsletter which contains all the information and updates with regards to events that the guild will be attending and exhibiting at, as well as the occasional bit of mischievous humor. (Teehee)

Are you old? Or... not old? Doesn't really matter, if you like actual running model trains and amazing scenic landscapes that the trains can go across, then I suggest you visit their website that I've mentioned twice already and their Facebook page

Better yet, the NGG is in the process of organizing one of their own events and it's going to be pretty awesome. (That's what that poster above is talking about.) It's going to be huge, there are going to be a lot of awesome things there, like the absolutely impressive Model Railway Layouts I mentioned earlier, most likely in all manner of scales ranging all the way from the minuscule O gauge to the massive Garden Scale variety, some of which, if I'm not mistaken, even runs on actual coal. (Oh yes, I'll also be there, can't forget that.)
I highly suggest you head over to the the The Great Model Train Expo's Facebook page so that you can see all the information as it becomes available. Even if you aren't a huge model train enthusiast, come anyway. It'll be a great day of great fun with great people. (Great enough for you? You bet.)

Too lazy to click links? That's fine. Follow me on Twitter at @OddballGreg where I will be tweeting away like your typical irritating bird about the details, whenever they come available, under the hashtag #GMTE (That stand's for Great Model Train Expo if you're wondering.)

Anyways, as always, thank you for reading and have an AWESOME day. (I know I will.) Don't forget to leave a comment or suggestion and share this with your friends if you think they like small mechanical trains traversing small scenic terrain. (Some pictures of which I'll show below if you want to see.)

That's enough from me. Tot siens mense.

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