Monday, June 30, 2014

Madness Monday - An obsession with Unicorns

Hello and welcome to Madness Monday. The day where I tell you about the strange and abnormal things I do, so you can feel a little more sane.

This is Charlie, he came to me in a dream.
I was not on anything... I think.

 Unicorns... yes. I like unicorns. (No, I do not watch MLP...) But what I do do, is get excited about awesome pictures of Unicorns for no reason. I also draw them, such as Charlie up above and the 2 fellows below. (Which may or may not be stuck on the wall above my computer *glances about shiftily*)

I actually have no idea why, precisely, I like Unicorns so, but I suppose, like much in my life, I don't need a reason to do something as long as there's no reason to not do it. So Unicorns! Woohoo! This small oddity is also why some of my friends, (read: Mr Canoe/Jerome whom I mentioned previously here), refer to me as Dr. Unikorn.

If you're wondering about my inspiration for the unicorn drawings, the lower 2 are hand drawings done of images I found randomly on the internet; (Google for images of Unicorns, you're likely to find the original ones there.), while Charlie was actually my first original Unicorn drawing, having come to me in perhaps one of my strangest dreams. (Was pretty awesome though.)

I'm by no means a stoner... In fact, I'm much the opposite, and tend to avoid almost all forms of intoxicants usually, so I will have to chalk the dream he was in up to the strange landscape that forms my mind. In any case, as I remember it, the dream started out with me walking into a glade in a forest to find said Unicorn whom I henceforth referred to as Charlie. Noticing a drum set off to the side, I asked Charlie if I may play. He agreed and, while I took position, he stood up and magically produced a guitar out of nowhere, taking up the pose illustrated I illustrated. Apparently, unicorns playing guitars seemed normal to me, (despite his lack of fingers or thumbs), and we started flying while playing dubstep music... We then proceeded to areas that were devoid of color and colored them in with the music, making all the inhabitants dance. There was also a bad Michael Jackson impersonator who got punched...

Yep... I'm pretty sure there's something wrong me... Unicorns I can handle, but bad Michael Jackson impersonators? That's abhorrent.

In any case, I think that's enough from me about my strange obsession with unicorns, if you have something you'd like to ask about my randomness, feel free to leave a comment or maybe share this with a friend you think might find it amusing. Thank you for reading and always, I hope you have/had and AWESOME day.

Walk in peace my friend.

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