Friday, August 1, 2014

Flu Friday - The Sudden Arrival Of Winter Flu

Hello and welcome to Flu Friday? Yeah... sorry about that... I'm afraid I'm in no condition to stick to today's scheduled topic.

The makeshift work of a semi-drunk and rather ill blogger. I'd say I can do better... but really, I can't in this state...

You ever have those days that start out like you're feeling perfect, and then suddenly by about 3 O' Clock you realize you're probably about to fall over and die temporarily. (Don't ask me how that works... Couldn't tell you.) I'm having one of those days.

I should preface this with an apology for breaking from the usual schedule of talking about philosophical thoughts on Fridays. I'm sorry. However, before you get the pitchforks and torches out, do not that I am near completely sick at this point, and between aching joints and a dizzy head, am only able to write even this apology because of a liberally applied drink of "medicinal" rum. (That means I'm trying to make myself feel well enough via intoxication that I can write anything at all.) While this hardly a good way of doing anything, I figure an slightly drunk apology beats an incoherent philosophical discussion, so I hope that you will forgive me for this minor indiscretion.

On the upside, my strangely inhuman immune system usually allows me to recover from this sort of thing absurdly quick, so we should be back on track with the proper topics of discussions from tomorrow. Until then. I think I'm going to go sleep. I cannot tell whether it's the rum or the flu that has me stumbling around, but neither are exactly fun.

Anyways, thank you again for your understanding, and I will speak again tomorrow.

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