Sunday, November 2, 2014

JovialJman - RimWorld (Entertaining Colony Sim)

This is an image showing a colony in-game taken from

RimWorld is an Indie game, created by Tynan Sylvester. It is a simulation of 3 survivors on a distant planet on the rim of the galaxy, (hence the name). It is a very interesting game and has many aspects to it that make it really enjoyable.

I have spoken about simulations before, and OddballGreg has spoken about RimWorld briefly, but I believe that it deserves a post of it's own. So with further ado, here is the post. When starting the game you are greeted with a message, (it is the picture below), it gives a warm feeling to show that this shall be the home of your colonists for some time.
This is a screenshot of the beginning message in Alpha 7 of RimWorld
From here, you will set up a base, by either creating the walls that will surround you or dig into the earth for some shelter, both having their pros and cons. You shall be visited by a range of people, some being wonders of the galaxy, while some are towns that are somewhere else on the world, some might not be friendly so preparations must be made. Without food you shall starve, without shelter you will go mad, and without defences you might get over run. All of these need to be thought of before beginning any activities as some people might be able to do some things better than anyone else, and others might not be able to do something at all.

I have spent many hours on this game, and is the cause for me publishing some of the posts as late as 11:58 on some nights, since you lose a lot of the sense of time when playing the game because there is nothing telling you what the time is on the screen. Everything in the game has a randomness to it so no two games are the same. If you were to go to a previous save and play from there, you will be surprised at the different events that may take place. One of the reasons that you cannot stop playing. The game is really well made, and it isn't even done yet. There are many features Tynan is still going to add to the game through input of those who play it.

In game development, Alpha is usually regarded to the stage when there is playable content, but there is still going to be new things added to it, which is where the game is at the moment. Beta is the next stage and is usually regarded as the stage where all content is in the game, but it is all being polished and made ready for the final release. However there is no regulation of the terms so some companies may use it in different manners. 

There is a whole community around this game, and some dedicated people have made mods for it already to add features that they would like to see in the game, and some of these might eventually be made into the original game. Many of these people work really hard for these mods and really enjoy making them. Tynan has let people mod it as much as they want, and even has a tab in the open menu for activating these mods. Tynan works almost every day on this game to try get it better than what it was the day before and most changes can almost be seen on the daily basis at this website.

Some people have made walkthroughs of how to best survive in their opinion and some have commentated while playing it. I really enjoyed Pyrion Flax's story telling of his game. It is the story of Rebecca Cain and how she survived. The way he tells the story is really amazing and when something bad happens you really feel it and have symphony for these moving pixels on the screen, it is beautiful.

This is the first video of his 6 part series, I really recommend watching them all

With that it brings today's post to an end. I hope you enjoyed reading today's rather short post on a game I really enjoy, and I hope you are able to play it yourself unless you are in matric at the moment then I hope you are studying for the exams, and you can try the game after you are done with them. Anyways, if you have any comment or suggestions on anything I have said in this post or anythings else, please leave it in the comments below and/or on Facebook/Twitter. Do you know of anyone who might like to read this blog because they enjoy reading, or playing games, or you wish just to contact them, please share this with them as I am sure they will thank you for the thought. If you would like to see more post like this and others please like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter, using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. I hope you have/had a really good day.

Enjoy playing friends.

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