Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Website Wednesday - Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+)

Hello and welcome Website Wednesday; that day where I talk you about this irritating thing called Social Networking that will never catch on. (Teehee)

(Now that... is a lot of me's. Haha.) Image's were taken from Google+Facebook and Twitter

If you're on the internet, odds are you have a Google account, or a Facebook account, or a Twitter account, or an etc, etc, etc. Social Networking is a rather large part of the internet, and almost a requirement in order to make the most of it these days. Too bad I mostly find them irritating.

You know them... those vile, stinking dens where people go to boost their confidence and self-esteem by posting the best parts of their life alone, effectively using it as a bragging platform. Or they do the invert, and depress everyone with pictures of abused dogs and statuses about how worthless they feel... (There was a time where I would respond to that and try to help those that did it... But it never actually works. They always go back.)

There's also the joy of sharing, where everyone decides that I need to play Mafia Wars, or these days, the more addictive Candy Crush... And then there's pictures of abused animals...

I especially love friend requests from random people around the world who would like to tell me that I've won the 1 million dollar Facebook user lottery, and all they need is my name, address and details to transfer it to me. There's also pictures of abused animals... (Listen... stop it. Please. I do my bit for helping animals and what not, but I do not log onto the internet to see that every day... Seriously.)

I think the YouTube rapper extraordinaire Dan Bull (Douglby) makes a pretty good case about Google+, Twitter, and Facebook with the rap video's linked to those names. Absolutely worth a laugh, or at least just so that the tune can irritate you enough to need to go to

Rage aside, some of the funniest conversations I've ever had have actually been on Facebook and Twitter, and there's no better way for getting into contact with people to be honest. Phone numbers get lost, addresses are forgotten, people move away, but something that 90% of people will always do, is keep their online profiles up to date. (Yes, that is a an absolutely made-up statistic, but it's gets the point across.)

And, the best part yet, I'm on them! Nevermind anything else on the internet,drop everything and go follow OddballGreg on all the various Social Networks. Obviously he's the best thing on the internet yet. (Please don't believe any of that, I'm just being facetious.)

Seriously though, for all the complaint we have all the time, these Social Networks do have a large variety of uses that make our lives easier, from finding people we know, to meeting amazing new people, and perhaps even better, talking to you very awesome people that come each day to read about the various strange, funny or just plain bull things I talk about each day. If you have yet to follow me Twitter, like my Facebook page or... I dunno, circle me on Google+ (I'll be honest, I still don't entirely get Google+), well... you probably have a good reason for doing so. Still, they're a great way of getting in contact with me and perhaps even influencing the things I say, talk about, or do. You may have noticed the change of yesterday's segment from Technology Tuesday to Tomfoolery Tuesday; or perhaps the fact that I toned down the vibrancy of the background yellow so that it didn't feel like you were staring at the sun. 

Both of those were done only with your feedback, so make sure to let me know me know what you think of my posts each day or basically just let me know what you think of the blog in general so that I can continue to improve it for you guys.

In any case, in all honesty, I was scraping the bottom of the barrel for something interesting to talk about today, so do excuse the slightly less interesting blog post today. I promise I've got a far more interesting discussion lined up tomorrow. Of course, if you have any interesting suggestions for topics, or just want to say something in general, make sure to let me know in the comments below. As always, regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again tomorrow.

Au revoir mes amis.

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