Saturday, August 16, 2014

Random Subject Saturday - Rebranding (Again...)

Hello and welcome to the last ever random Random Subject Saturday; where I tell you about an interesting new change to the blog, and some of the kewl new graphics I shall be designing for it.

Ooooooh. Mystery silhouette. Who could it be? Be sure to come back tomorrow to find out.

OddballGreg was a fun blog for me to create. But now it's going away... FOREVER. (Dun Dun Dun) Luckily for you, that does not mean you will no longer have my fantastically strange ramblings to read. (Teehee) Stagnation in life is unhealthy, so lets talk about how this blog is going to continue moving forward.

First of all, I would like to thank those of you who have been recurring readers for all this time. Those wonderful friends of mine who always give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside when they tell me that my post about cats was weird. I truly appreciate it, as I do appreciate the people I do not know who read my strange ramblings. I might never meet you, but I thank you all the same.

Anyways, ironically, the first Random Subject Saturday was the first named day this blog ever had. (The day naming was a tactic I used to help me figure out what on earth I would write about.) The amazing thing is that the day naming convention will actually NOT end on a Random Subject Saturday. (I thought I would do that, but figured one last Storytime Sunday would be nice.)

As such, you may be wondering by this point what exactly is changing with the blog. Quite simply, it's broadening it's horizons and growing it's goals. What exactly do I mean by that? Come back tomorrow for aforementioned Storytime Sunday for the full story on TCSA, but basically, I will no longer be blogging alone. (*gasp*)

"South Africans": That's a plural. And there's 4 letters in TCSA. Go figure...
Who will be blogging with me? A nickname of his is Canoe, and I've mentioned him on the blog before. If you want to know who he is before tomorrow, (which is when I will have conveniently finished all the new graphics for the blog.), you can find out by scouring the various posts I have previously made in the past.

The good news, is that the I will still be here, the blog will no longer be comparable in colour to mustard, someone new with interesting new opinions will be blogging, and I won't have to do everything myself.
The bad news is that I won't be doing every blog post, (Sorry if that was a main attraction for you, I promise it means the ones I do will be better in quality.), All previously shared (or saved) URL's for the blog will cease to work, and the blog will no longer be comparable to the scrumptious colour of mustard. (I'm sorry, I like the way it looks.)

For those of you who found the posts via Facebook, Twitter or Feedburner, the URL change will not be an issue, as the new URL *should* automatically be shared following the change. For those of you who use other means to find the blog, it might be worth looking at those other means of finding it again.

The upside is that the blog will be getting an official TCSA Facebook page, Twitter Feed and even... dare I say it, an EMAIL address. (*gasp*) Maybe a good thing, maybe not. This will thankfully be the final foreseeable change to blog links and information. Your support is mandatory *cough cough* much appreciated in terms of liking, following and sharing the new pages which I will be sharing in tomorrow's Storytime Sunday. (For those of you not interested in doing so, my personal Facebook page and Twitter feed will continue to share the new blog posts.)

In any case, I once again thank you for your support, and look forward to many more strange and interesting discussions and post in the future. If you are unsure of anything, do be sure to ask about it in the comments below or by asking me directly via Facebook or Twitter. Also, your sharing of this post with any friends you know who read the blog, (or don't), will of course be greatly appreciated. Regardless of what you do however, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again tomorrow.

Goodbye my friends.

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