Friday, August 22, 2014

JovialJman - The Truth About Spongebob

"The Truth About Spongebob" Because TCSA must do it's part to continue the tradition of media sensationalism. - OddballGreg. (Image is from and TCSA is in no way related to or sponsored by Spongebob or Nickelodeon.)

Have you ever wondered if the cartons you and/or your children are watching might have a deeper meaning, or be an allegory for something else? There are always theories about such things with all cartoons, but lets talk about Spongebob Squarepants today.

Spongebob Squarepants has been one of my favorite cartoons of all time, for a long time. The humor in it can still tickle the fancy of the oldest (possibly immatureperson. I still enjoy watching it to this day. Watching it yesterday reminded me about a discussion I had with someone in the past, (I strangely don't remember who it was though.), where we were trying to determine if Spongebob was actually an allegory for the 7 deadly sins.

7 deadly sins meme. Because blue and obviously a slow colour, and blood is red. Even colors can be stereotypical.

It can be said that each of the main characters in Spongebob Squarepants is a representation of one of the biblical 7 deadly sins, of which in the cartoon they are:

  • Spongebob- LUST. Not in the traditional sex meaning but rather for the love of others.
    "He shows his love of others with his overeagerness to do good and help people. If anything is true about SpongeBob its that he loves everyone around him, even if they don't exactly love him back." - This can be seen when he tries to play with Squidward in most episodes. 
  • Patrick- SLOTH. Well this one is rather self explanatory if you know the show, as Patrick is always slow and lazy. I remember there was even an episode where he tried doing "absolutely nothing".
  • Gary the Snail - GLUTTONOUS. This one would need a fair knowledge of the series, but you may notice that Gary often wants to be fed in most episodes, Spongebob tries to remind himself to feed Gary frequently and he even ran away in the one episode that he was not fed. (Albeit to Patrick.)
  • Squidward- WRATH/ANGER. Squidward fits this one to a T. He is always angry, shouting and he dislikes Spongebob greatly.
  • Sandy the Squirrel- PRIDE/VANITY. Sandy is always saying she is proud of where she comes from and that she can do many things that others cannot since she is the only land mammal under water. (because **** logic
  • Plankton- Envy. Plankton is always trying to get that Crabby formula and wishes it was his. This causes Plankton to do many a stunt to try and get the recipe.
  • Mr Crabs- Greed, There's a fair bit you could say about Mr Crabs for greed, but the image below effectively sums it up.
"Crab who can magically make his eyes into dollar symbols? Yeap, that seems fairly accurate." - OddballGreg
There has been a scientific study that has shown that the fast paced cartoon Spongebob may decrease the attention span and concentration levels of pre-schoolers. So is it "killing their brains". (According to Gizmodo.) This may not just be Spongebob and the attention span of preschoolers is a hard thing to determine as it is all over the place to start with, so the credibility of such a study, like many, is questionable.

Now there are many other theories about so many things on the internet, and if there is content of it on the internet, there is a most likely a way to link it to the illuminati. (Whatever that is.) I think that there may or may not be a link between the 7 Sins and Spongebob but either way it is still a rather strange coincidence.

If you have an opinion on Spongebob, the 7 deadly sins or the Secret group, (sssssh, we don't talk about them.), please share it with us in the comments down below or via Facebook/Twitter. If you have any friends who are a fan of cartoons or like reading conspiracy theories for laughs, please share it with them. Of course, you found today's post thought provoking or amusing, do be sure to please like our Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter to get the latest posts as they go up.

Also, Sorry about all the links, I am a little link crazy. (Just not as crazy as crazy dave.)

See you later, alligators.

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