Friday, July 4, 2014

Philosophy Friday - A kind word and a smile

Hello and welcome to a short Philosophy Friday. The day where I mention some good things I saw today, and then leave abruptly mid sentence because I'm so... *leaves*

This may or may not also be the logo for happy pills.

Friendliness is a good thing. So are smiles. What's even better? Both. I've spent the past 2 days with a good friend of mine playing games (Call of Duty if you're curious), moving furniture and driving around to various scenic locations. (read: shops)

To be honest; we were playing games far too late into the morning for me to write a thought provoking post today, but I figured those of you who come by daily deserve at least something for your troubles. So what better to talk about than my experience from these few days. 

This friend that I was with in particular is perhaps one of the friendliest people around. Always happy to strike a conversation with anyone, regardless of position or mood, and make them smile and laugh. Always full of humor and a smiling; it's a pure delight to be around him and to see the way he interacts with the people around him. And that's what I'm talking about. The disposition of those he talks to immediately changes to a happier, more lighthearted smile and their eyes light up at the fact that for once, someone spoke to them like a fellow human instead of just someone that has to be dealt with.

Friendliness, and even just a smile, can improve someones day drastically. So even though I may not have anything personally philosophic to suggest, or even original. What I can say is that the world is definitely a better place for having people like my friend in it and it would do far better to have more of such people. Perhaps even you can be one. It's not difficult. The occasional smile and small talk to the shop cashier or a friendly greeting for a neighbor is often more than enough to make what can often be a sad and depressing world seem that much happier.

I can certainly appreciate how difficult it can be to muster up the will to smile on a sad day, but nobody is alone in that struggle. Life is hard, most certainly, but I believe that if with some effort, life can be made easier to live for anyone willing to put that effort in. All it will take is people like my friend, people like me and people like you to do it. (And I do honestly hope we do, there's little better to see than the happiness of others. At least for me at any rate.)

As always, thank you for reading and don't forget to leave any suggestions or questions in the comments below. Perhaps even share this with someone who feels like they're wasting their time being nice to people. Either way, that's enough from me for today, and I hope you've had/have and AWESOME day. 

Later friends.

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