Saturday, June 28, 2014

Random Subject Saturday - Why weekends are so short

Hello and welcome to Random Subject Saturday, the day I choose to talk about utter tripe for your entertainment.

An accurate depiction of most people's emotions before
 and after the weekend.
Today, while sitting in the back of vehicle on a rather long drive from a N Gauge Guild Meeting, I realized two things. 1. That I'm rather tired and 2. I hadn't uploaded or even thought what I was going to talk about in this post... (So if you had hopes of me talking about anything interesting or thought provoking, I suggest you stop reading for now and come back another day, this article is not serious in the least.. At all...)

So then you ask, what could I conceivably talk about that I've thought up in almost no time at all? Hell, I dunno, I guess I'll talk about the real reason weekends are so short. I mean, there has to be a reason why we would be forced to go to work/school for 5 longs and agonizing days in a row only to have the infinitesimally small 2 day respite that is the weekend?

The truth of the moment, (*giggles*), is that it is actually a social experiment designed to determine the effects of E.M.I.N.E.M. on the average person's mind. Researchers have found that this E.M.I.N.E.M., which stands for "Extended Mental Inactivity and Neurosis caused by Eternal Monotony", is the leading cause in work related stress and a lack of satisfaction with work and life in general. The government's want to see how this E.M.I.N.E.M. affects the typical person's mind so that they can better control the populace in accordance with their dark alien overlord's demonic orders. (More on him at 8.)

What they don't want you to know is that the weekend is actually just a concept created by humans for 2 days of rest to prevent this new phenomenon from destroying all humanity through insanity. It was determined that: "2 days was long enough to keep us relatively sane by relatively insane scientists who may or may not have been on drugs at the time"; says a reliable source from somewhere on the border of my exceedingly overactive imagination.

Their suggestion for a cure: Listening to the music of a rapper who incidentally has the same name as this strange phenomenon. Also, a complete and utter disregard for any crackpot theories made by anyone that calls themselves "OddballGreg". (Teehee)

So there you have it, news. Straight from the donkey's mouth. Hope you found this mildly entertaining at least ,(I know I was laughing while I wrote it.) and I hope you had/have an AWESOME day.

That's enough out of me. Farewell my compatriots in madness.

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