Tuesday, November 11, 2014

OddballGreg - Computerphile

Ah, the joys of snipping screenshots from YouTube such as this one from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9-y-6csu5WGm29I7JiwpnA. Perhaps I should invest in some new and creative way to represent each article. Comics perhaps?

Do you think of yourself as an utter nerd? Do you enjoy learning about various computer oriented facts and trivia as well as gaining interesting insight into their general functioning? If you answered yes to either of those questions, then I suggest checking out the YouTube channel Computerphile.

If you've been reading the TCSA blog recently, you may have noticed that JovialJman has been discussing various Maths related subjects both recently and occasionally in the past. If you've read said posts, you'll probably have noticed that JovialJman is quite the fan of a YouTube channel known as "Numberphile". Of course, being the typical YouTube addict that I am apparently, I recently ended up watching a variety of the Numberphile video's which inadvertently led me, via the suggestions bar on YouTube, to the channel "Computerphile", who's video's are very much similar in style to Numberphile, but discuss all things related to computers. (Naturally, this led to spending the next 3 hours watching their video's, as no self-respecting nerd could possibly pass up the opportunity to learn about things like hacking, the internet, unicode, terms and conditions and various other fascinating things.)

Presented in the friendly, over the table to the newbie manner that makes many of my favorite YouTube channel's like CGP Grey and Vsauce fun to watch, Numberphile explains a lot of the basics when it discusses the more complicated ideas that are large parts of computing in general. With discussions from a variety of professionals on a bunch of subjects, it's hard not to find something that will be of at least some interest. Of course, like most of my YouTuber features, the best way to understand just what I'm talking about is to watch one or two of their video's and see what you think, so please do peruse some of my favorite Computerphile video's which I have linked below.

In any case, do be sure to let us here at TCSA know what you think of Computerphile, or more importantly, what you would like to see us discuss next on the blog. We love to get your feedback as that's what lets us know that we're writing the kind of stuff you enjoy reading. Speaking of enjoyment, if you happen to have any nerdy friends that enjoy computer related trivia and facts, perhaps share this article with them as I'm sure they will enjoy it. And if you yourself would like to read more article's like this one, or perhaps some of the vastly different ones that come up all the time then do be sure to like the Official TCSA Facebook page and/or follow us on Twitter using the associated buttons on the bar to the left. Regardless of what you do, I thank you for having taken the time to read this post; hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Try not to spend too much time on YouTube, my friends.

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