Wednesday, August 20, 2014

JovialJMan - Work And It's Consequences

"Because coffee mugs, screens and a keyboard are synonymous to work... right?" - OddballGreg

Does work have consequences? (pshh*, What is this "work" you speak of? ) If you are out of school/university, then either you are looking for a job or found one already. If the latter is true, good on you; then you should be able to relate more, if the former is true for you, then you may find this to be of interest.

First a bit of background: I have been working on the weekends as a sales person/assistant at a bakery for 3 years now. I help customers with their food orders and pack their orders for them. Recently I have been working as a temporary employee at another company for 3 and a half weeks. I have been helping them with their work load and it is a lot. This means for the last 24 days straight I have been working without break and I have to say: "I am really tired.". I have been stressed out of my bracket as I have to get things done quickly that I have never done before and don't know how to do. This has caused me to be mentally drained and physically tired, which isn't the best thing for ones health.

But in all fairness I enjoy having something to do; unlike the last 6 months where I sat on my behind doing absolutely nothing, (except on weekends). Along with that it helps me by allowing me to acquire some work experience which I can put on my CV. Did I say CV?, (*gasp* I think I did), that is a whole topic on its own. Work experience and references are so handy when it comes to a CV.

In a work environment, things are a bit different to a social environment. For instance, I know someone there that is an old family friend, but I shouldn't refer to her as "aunty" which is a really hard habit to break. Trying to eat while working is nothing like school. If you want to eat well, you have to be one hell of a multitasker or a champion speed-eater. Small irritations that you get often become a huge annoyance, especially if it is people's idiosyncrasies.

You start to miss out on so many things if you work; since I work on weekends: I cannot easily go to friends houses to sleep over, or when people go to the movies I cannot join since I would finish after the movie has started. Time and time again I have to decline offers to go with people since it overlaps with work. Although on the flip side, I have more money to do stuff when I am able to. It helps on my CV for better job opportunities and I experience "THE REAL WORLD" before most, so I know what to expect when I "grow up." (OddballGreg would like to point out how he giggled at this statement considering he is younger than JovialJman.)

If you have any suggestions or comments or just want to tell me I am crazy please be sure to let us know in the comments down below or over Twitter and Facebook. You can also share this post with anyone who wants a job or has one, (that is everybody, Teehee), but only if you want to. If you liked the post then do be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter with the associated buttons on the bar to the left, so you know when the latest posts are up. But most importantly, we hope that you have/had an awesome day, and I shall speak again soon.

Transcription of conversation between OddballGreg and JovialJman after the first edit of this post: 
OddballGreg: "Why on earth do you keep posting links to the definitions of common English words?" 
JovialJman: "I dunno, usually people don't know those words."
If you don't know what consequences means, I'm worried by the fact that you are on the internet.
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