Tuesday, September 23, 2014

OddballGreg - A Day Without Internet

Google. The most accurate description of the internet these days... Also Bronies.

Have you ever spent a day, without access to the internet? If you’re over the age of 30, probably, but some for the younger generations these days, the thought of being without internet is a slightly alien idea, and today, was one I experienced, with much strange thoughts as a result.

Yesterday at about 2pm roughly, the internet ceased to function at my house. I don’t know why precisely, as the internet and telephone service providers had no idea either. So there I was, sitting with no internet, no ability to do my usual day to day work, and a rather unsure, niggling feeling in the back of my skull wondering what to do with my day.

For some, the answer would be obvious. Read! Play Videogames! Sleep! (All rather enticing options of course.) Unfortunately, the greater majority of my consciousness insists on at least a partially productive day, and so I spent my day doing housework in preparation for the upcoming weekend. (A truly eventful day to be certain.)

While hardly a startling revelation in itself, this rather strange day of menial labour and disconnectedness left me wondering what it would be like for the world if all of a sudden, the entire internet shut down for a day.

The comic in me likes to think it will be the most productive day in human history, but only because everyone would be trying so hard to get the internet working again. On a more realistic note, one has to wonder just how badly the world would be affected by such a thing. Children would actually have to do their homework instead of googling the answers, researchers would have to actually go to a library, internet trolls would probably be completely unsure what to do with themselves, or would simply go back to irritating people in some other way. (Who can say what they’re going to do at any time.)

While it is unlikely that the internet would ever go down and cause such utter pandemonium on earth, (Likely…), it is strange to think that the internet, this strange construct of interconnected computers, has become such a largely important and often integral part of our lives. Humans appear to be very keen to become dependent on things when it suits them, despite the tragic consequences they may suffer if their addiction ever become unfulfillable.

In any case, I’m done cleaning for now, and at least have been able to post this article but a single day late, which is hardly terrible by any means. If you think it is, or simply wish to add to the list of problems having no internet would cause, then please feel free to let us know down in the comments below, or via Facebook/Twitter as we here at TCSA love to hear from you guys. Of course, feel free to share this with any friends who like to ponder strange possibilities. It might be fun for them. Better yet, if you yourself enjoy posts like these, then consider liking the official TCSA Facebook page and/or following us on Twitter so that you can get all the latest posts, as they’re published. Regardless of what you do, I hope that you have/had an absolutely FANTASTIC day, and I will speak again soon.

Happy thinking my friends.

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